tile, xstart, ystart):# Return False if the player's move on space xstart, ystart isinvalid.# If it is a valid move, return a list of spaces that would becomethe player's if they made a move here.
import pygame, sysfrom pygame.locals import *pygame.init()DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300))pygame.display.set_caption('Hello World!')while True: # main game loopfor event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == QUIT:pygame.quit()sys.exit()pygame.display.update() 当你...
当我还是个孩子的时候,我学习了 BASIC,但像 Python 这样的新编程语言甚至更容易学习。Python 也被专业程序员在工作中和在编程时使用。而且它完全免费安装和使用——你只需要一个互联网连接来下载它。 因为视频游戏无非就是计算机程序,它们也是由指令组成的。从这本书中你将创建的游戏与 Xbox、PlayStation 或任天堂...
(或者,如果从未调用过pygame.event.get(),则是自程序启动以来发生的事件。) whileTrue:# main game loopforeventinpygame.event.get(): 第8 行是一个for循环,它将遍历由pygame.event.get()返回的 Event 对象列表。在每次循环中,一个名为event的变量将被赋予该列表中下一个事件对象的值。从pygame.event.get(...
First, we will create a file a new file namedgame.pyfrom our text editor. To generate a random number we will use a Python module namedrandomto use this module in our program, we first need to import it. importrandom Next, we will use the random module to generate a number between 1...
while True: # main game loop for event in pygame.event.get(): 第8 行是一个for循环,它将遍历由pygame.event.get()返回的 Event 对象列表。在每次循环中,一个名为event的变量将被赋予该列表中下一个事件对象的值。从pygame.event.get()返回的 Event 对象列表将按事件发生的顺序排列。如果用户先点击鼠标...
To start a new Python project, you would normally create a new folder on your computer and place all your game files go into this directory. It's vitally important that you keep all the files needed to run your game inside of your project folder. ...
direction = RIGHT# Start the apple in a random place.apple = getRandomLocation()while True: # main game loopfor event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loopif event.type == QUIT:terminate()elif event.type == KEYDOWN:if (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a) and ...
game world (not a pixel coordinate on the screen)'rect' - the pygame.Rect object representing where on the screen the object is located.Player data structure keys:'surface' - the pygame.Surface object that stores the image of the squirrel which will be drawn to the screen.'facing' - ...
如果playerMoveTo 变量不再设置为 None,那么我们知道玩家打算移动。对 makeMove() 的调用处理了改变 gameStateObj 中玩家位置的 XY 坐标,以及推动任何星星。makeMove() 的返回值存储在 moved 中。如果这个值是 True,那么玩家角色就朝那个方向移动了。如果值是 False,那么玩家一定试图移动到一个墙上,或者推动一个背...