当我还是个孩子的时候,我学习了 BASIC,但像 Python 这样的新编程语言甚至更容易学习。Python 也被专业程序员在工作中和在编程时使用。而且它完全免费安装和使用——你只需要一个互联网连接来下载它。 因为视频游戏无非就是计算机程序,它们也是由指令组成的。从这本书中你将创建的游戏与 Xbox、PlayStation 或任天堂...
第4 行是一个def语句: defdisplayIntro():print('''You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendlyand will share his treasure with you. The other dragonis greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.''')print() def语句...
记住,不要在每行开头输入数字或句号(这只是本书的参考)。 import pygame, sysfrom pygame.locals import *pygame.init()DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300))pygame.display.set_caption('Hello World!')while True: # main game loopfor event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == QUI...
# Memory Puzzle # By Al Sweigart [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) # http://inventwithpython.com/pygame # Released under a "Simplified BSD" license import random, pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * FPS = 30 # frames per second, the general speed of the program WIN...
direction = RIGHT# Start the apple in a random place.apple = getRandomLocation()whileTrue:# main game loopforeventinpygame.event.get():# event handling loopifevent.type== QUIT: terminate()elifevent.type== KEYDOWN:if(event.key == K_LEFTorevent.key == K_a)anddirection != RIGHT: ...
Welcome to Reversegam! Do you want to be XorO? x The player will go first.12345678+---+1| |12| |23| |34| XO |45| OX |56| |67| |78| |8+---+12345678You:2points. Computer:2points. Enter your move,"quit"to end the game,or"hints"to toggle hints.5312345678+---+1| |12|...
如果playerMoveTo 变量不再设置为 None,那么我们知道玩家打算移动。对 makeMove() 的调用处理了改变 gameStateObj 中玩家位置的 XY 坐标,以及推动任何星星。makeMove() 的返回值存储在 moved 中。如果这个值是 True,那么玩家角色就朝那个方向移动了。如果值是 False,那么玩家一定试图移动到一个墙上,或者推动一个背...
我们只需要在runGame()中返回来结束当前游戏。当runGame()返回到main()中的函数调用时,runGame()调用后的下一行(第 46 行)是调用showGameOverScreen(),它会显示大大的“游戏结束”文字。这就是为什么我们在第 79 行有return语句。第80 行循环遍历蛇头后的每个身体段在wormCoords中(蛇头在索引0)。这就是...
One can make customizations and can send this information to the user through a message 6. Python Number Guessing Project Project Idea: This is one of the exciting Python projects which aims at developing a mini game. In this program, the computer randomly chooses a number and then the users...
26.A Python function definition begins with() A:def B:define C:defun D:function 答案:def 27.Which of the following is not a reason to use functions?() A:to demonstrate intellectual superiority B:to reduce code duplication C:to make a program more self-documenting D:to make a program mo...