print(f"Pi to three decimal places: {pi:.3f}") # 输出结果: Pi to three decimal places: 3.142 千位分隔符 💡 可以使用逗号作为千位分隔符。例如,1,000,000 表示一百万。这有助于提高输出的可读性。 示例: large_number = 1000000 print(f"with comma as thousand separator: {large_number:,}")...
1. print(str1, str2, str3…)或print(str1+str2+str3…) 这是最简单的一种输出方式,也比较容易理解,这样的输出形式得到的结果会是由str1、str2、str3…拼接成的一个长字符串。两者的不同之处如下: str_1='today is'str_2='a good day.'str_3='I am very happy!'#输出:today is a good d...
7.Finally, we use the `classification_report` utilityfrom`scikit-learn` toprinta summary of predicted classification against known response values to test the accuracy of the model. Weprintthis summary to the Terminal: print(classification_report(test_Y, test_predicts)) The report that's generated...
# It sets the precision of the decimal module to 10. getcontext().prec = 10 # Converting the integer 9 to a string and then converting it to a Decimal object. decimal_ = Decimal(1) / Decimal(str(9)) print('向上取整保留10位小数:{0}'.format(decimal_.quantize(Decimal('0.0000000000')...
Here are two ways to write a table of squares and cubes: 有两种方式可以写平方和立方表 :: >>> for x in range(1, 11): ... print repr(x).rjust(2), repr(x*x).rjust(3), ... # Note trailing comma on previous line ... print repr(x*x*x).rjust(4) ...
decimal_places = 2:设置希望保留的小数位数为2位。 for row in matrix:遍历矩阵的每一行。 formatted_row = [format_number(num, decimal_places) for num in row]:对每个数字调用format_number函数进行格式化。 print(" ".join(formatted_row)):将格式化后的数字组合并打印。
print(division) Let’s see the output for this program: To notice, the division is correct now and precise as well, or maybe it is too precise? Controllling Precision for single operation In the last program, there were 25 decimal places in the answer now. But what if we only wanted ...
import decimal division = decimal.Decimal(72) / decimal.Decimal(7) print(division) 1. 2. 3. 4. Let’s see the output for this program: To notice, the division is correct now and precise as well, or maybe it is too precise?
If you need to print an integer number beyond the 4300-digit limit, then you can use the sys.set_int_max_str_digits() function to increase the limit and make your code work.When you’re working with long integers, you can use the underscore character to make the literals more readable...
You can now add a Python timer to the example code:Python 1import time 2from reader import feed 3 4def main(): 5 """Print the latest tutorial from Real Python""" 6 tic = time.perf_counter() 7 tutorial = feed.get_article(0) 8 toc = time.perf_counter() 9 ...