This function formats strings based on the desired number of significant figures rather than the number of decimal places. It is inspired by work on stack overflow ( ...
Convert a string amount to a float with 2 decimal places in using c#? convert an image to byte array in COnvert Database HTML field text to ITEXTSharp text Convert DataSet to byte array Convert Date format into dd-MMM-yyyy format convert date from english numbers format to...
I know you wrote your example in raw Python lists, but if you decide to use numpy arrays instead (which would be perfectly legit in your example, because you seem to be dealing with arrays of numbers), there is (almost exactly) this command you said you made up: import numpy as np n...
How do I stop a datagrid view rounding to 2 decimal places How do I stop a scrollable control to scroll when a control in panel gain focus how do i update datagridview column for quantity if i added a quantity from textbox with the same column item name How Do I Update The ...