file = open('/Users/yanchao/Desktop/Python文件大小.jpg'), os.SEEK_END) print("File Size is :", file.tell()) 输出: Size of file is : 10834 推荐:Python中使用文件I/O操作 4、使用pathlib模块 Path对象的stat()函数返回文件特征,如“st_mode”、“st_dev”等。此外,统计方法的“...
# approach 3# using file object# open filefile =open('d:/file.jpg')# get the cursor positioned at, os.SEEK_END)# get the current position of cursor# this will be equivalent to size of fileprint("Size of file is :", file.tell(),"bytes") Method 4:Using Pathlib ...
name = 'ma\nster'v=name.isprintable()print(v)#isspace判断字符串是空格 name = ' 'v=name.isspace()print(v)#istitle函数判断是不是标题(首字母大写) name = 'Master Name'v=name.istitle()print(v)#把字符串转换为标题(首字母大写) name = 'my name is master'v=name.title()print(v)#join函数...
# importing os module import os # get size of file in Python file_size = os.path.getsize('bitcoin_csv.csv') # printing size of file print("File Size is :", file_size, "bytes")Output:File Size is : 444891 bytes As you can see, we get the size of the file which is in bytes...
python print输出文件 python print file,Python3File(文件)方法file对象使用open函数来创建,下表列出了file对象常用的函数:序号方法及描述1file.close()关闭文件。关闭后文件不能再进行读写操作。2file.flush()刷新文件内部缓冲,直接把内部缓冲区的数据立刻写入文件,而
line=next(fo)print("第 %d 行 - %s"%(index, line))#关闭文件fo.close() Python中read()、readline()和readlines()三者间的区别和用法 准备 假设a.txt的内容如下所示: Hello Welcome Whatisthe fuck... 一、read([size])方法 read([size])方法从文件当前位置起读取size个字节,若无参数size,则表示读取...
fsizedicr] # List of unitsif dir_size == 0:print("File Empty") # Sanity check to eliminate corner-case of empty file.else:for units in sorted(fsizeList)[::-1]: # Reverse sort list of units so smallest magnitude units print first.print("{} Folder Size: ".format(directory)+ units...
# Maximum number of file downloading retries. MAX_TIMES_RETRY_DOWNLOAD = 3 MAX_TIMES_RETRY = 5 DELAY_INTERVAL = 10 # Define the file length. FELMNAMME_127 = 127 FELMNAMME_64 = 64 FELMNAMME_4 = 4 FELMNAMME_5 = 5 # Mode for activating the device deployment file EFFECTIVE_MODE_REBOOT...
path.isfile(actualFileName): total+=os.path.getsize(actualFileName) print("当前文件为"+actualFileName+",其大小为"+str(os.path.getsize(actualFileName))+"字节") else: tmp=getTotalSize(actualFileName) total+=tmp print("当前文件夹为" + actualFileName+",其大小为"+str(tmp)+"字节") ...
结果说明:Python2中read(size)方法的size参数指定的要读取的字节数,而song.txt文件是UTF-8编码的内容,一个汉字占3个字节,因此12个字节刚好是4个汉字。 Python3 代码语言:javascript 复制 with open('song.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: print( 输出结果: 匆匆那年我们 究竟说 结果...