"Python","HaHa",sep='&')#Hello world&Python&HaHa#注意:如果直接输出字符串,而不是用对象表示的话,可以不使用逗号print("Hello world""Python""HaHa",sep='*')#Hello worldPythonHaHa#输出多个变量a = 1b= 2c= 3print(a,b,c,sep='%')#1%2%3...
>>> print(curs) ['port trunk allow-pass', '1843 1923 2033 2053 2103 2163 2273 2283'] >>> vlans = curs[-1].split(' ') # 切片操作后,取vlan信息;之后将vlan信息再次做字符串切片操作,提取单一vlan信息。 >>> print(vlans) ['1843', '1923', '2033', '2053', '2103', '2163', '22...
1.1 Print是一个函数 在Python3中print是个函数,这意味着在使用的时候必须带上小括号,并且它是带有参数的。 >>> print 'hello world' SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print' >>> 1. 2. 3. Python版本更新后,3.X的版本中去掉了很多的函数,在3.X版本的python中,print需要加上括号 如: >>...
Function my_print has four parameters: an array to display, the number of columns to display the values, the number of decimals for each value and a flag indicating whether to print a newline. The len function returns the size (number of cells) of the array. An alternative is to use ...
print(num2.isdecimal()) #True print(num3.isdecimal()) #False print(num4.isdecimal()) #False #isnumberic:unicode,中文数字,罗马数字 #bytes类型无isnumberic方法 print(num2.isnumeric()) #True print(num3.isnumeric()) #True print(num4.isnumeric()) #True ...
print("%f"%5.1234567890) Copy Output: 5.123457 Example - decimal points Notice upto 5 decimal points are returned print("%.5f"%5.1234567890) Copy Output: 5.12346 Example - field width is set more than the necessary If the field width is set more than the necessary than the data right aligns...
Python也可以这样赋值: a = b = c = d = 1 print(a, b, c, d) # 1 1 1 1 进制转换: a = -15 print(f'{a}对应的十进制是{a}, 二进制是{a:b}, 八进制是{a:o}, 十六进制是{a:x}') 1.2 字符型(string) 单引号:内容中包含大量双引号 双引号:内容中包含大量单引号 ...
>>>n =3# integer number>>>address ="221b Baker Street, NW1 6XE, London"# Sherlock Holmes' address>>>employee = {...'age':45,...'role':'CTO',...'SSN':'AB1234567',...}>>># let's print them>>>n3>>>address'221b Baker Street, NW1 6XE, London'>>>employee ...
>>> print(bin(-42), bin(42), sep="\n ") -0b101010 0b101010 更改数字的符号不会影响 Python 中的底层位串。相反,在将位串转换为十进制形式时,允许在位串前加上减号: >>> >>> int("-101010", 2) -42 这在Python 中是有意义的,因为在内部,它不使用符号位。您可以将 Python 中整数的符号...
(n1+n2) print(n1+n3) from decimal import Decimal print(Decimal('1.1')+Decimal('2.2')) #布尔类型 f1=True f2=False print(f1,type(f1)) print(f2,type(f2)) #转成整数计算 print(f1+1) print(f2+1) #字符串类型 str1='abc' str2='''abc''' print(str1,type(str1)) print(str2,...