long_string="This is a very long string that is more than 80 characters long. This is just a test to see how Python handles long strings when using the print function."print("{:.100}".format(long_string)) 1. 2. 在上面的代码中,我们使用了格式化字符串的方法来输出long_string,限制输出的...
long_string = "Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. file:\ a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout." print(long_string) # \n 换行符 long_string = "Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. file:\n a file-like...
string'''print(longstring1)longstring2="""thisis another long long long long long long long string"""print(longstring2) this is a long long long long long long long string this is another long long long long long long long string还可以实现ascii字符输出呢: 代码语言:javascript 复制 print(...
1、int 转换成long int型转换为long型不需要强制类型转换,这就是相对的隐式类型转换,系统会在后台完成。 2、Float 转换成long 向下取整。实例: print long(10.2) 结果:10 3、String转换成long (1) 10进制string转换成long print long('10') 结果:10 注意:不能long('10.2') (2)16进制string转换成long pr...
string>>> string ='string'>>>printstring string>>> string ='I\'m string'>>>printstring I'm string>>>print'this is \n , haha'thisis, haha>>>'''this is hello world'''this\nis\nhello\nworld'>>>print'''this is hello world...
int(有符号整型,如0x69,10);long(长整型[也可以代表八进制和十六进制],如-4721885298529L,Python用数字后面的L表示长整型);float(浮点型,如70.2E-12);complex(复数,如4.53e-7j)。 3)Python数据类型转换: 代码语言:javascript 复制 int(x [,base ]) 将x转换为一个整数 代码语言:javascript 复制 long(x ...
print(a) # 1 # 2、String(字符串) b = '这是一个字符串' print(b) # 3、List(列表) c = ["张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六", "田七"] print(c) # 这是一个字符串 # 4、Tuple(元组) d = ("张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六", "田七") ...
>>>string_long ="""This is another long string...value that will span multiple...lines in the output""">>>print(string_long)This is another long string value that will span multiple lines in the output>>>string_long'This is another long string\nvalue that will span multiple\nlines ...
注意:long 类型只存在于 Python2.X 版本中,在 2.2 以后的版本中,int 类型数据溢出后会自动转为long类型。在 Python3.X 版本中 long 类型被移除,使用 int 替代。 Python字符串 字符串或串(String)是由数字、字母、下划线组成的一串字符。 一般记为 : ...