line 2, in print(str.format("百度","")) ValueError: cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification
来源: 定义:{ [field_name] [ !conversion] [ :format_spec] } field_name: classPerson: name='' age=22 def__init__(self,n): el=Person('elsa') ka=Person('kate') print("I am {},...
1 >>> print('{} and {}'.format('hello','world')) # 默认左对齐 2 hello and world 3 >>> print('{:10s} and {:>10s}'.format('hello','world')) # 取10位左对齐,取10位右对齐 4 hello and world 5 >>> print('{:^10s} and {:^10s}'.format('hello','world')) # 取10位中...
replacement_field ::= "{" [field_name] ["!" conversion] [":" format_spec] "}" field_name ::= arg_name ("." attribute_name | "[" element_index "]")* arg_name ::= [identifier | integer] attribute_name ::= identifier element_index ::= integer | index_string index_string ::...
print '%.2e'%1.2888 # 以科学计数法输出浮点型保留2位小数 >> 1.29e+00 到此,我们已经演示了怎样替换指定的字段。我们还可以通过在格式化指示符后面添加一个冒号来进行精确格式化。例如: python: format # Field 0: left justify, pad to 15 characters ...
...print('{0:{width}{base}}'.format(num, base=base, width=width), end='') ...print() ...5 5 5 101 6 6 6 110 7 7 7 111 8 8 10 1000 9 9 11 1001 10 A 12 1010 11 B 13 1011 另,可在字符串前加f以达到格式化的目的,在{}里加入对象,此为format的另一种形式: ...
1 >>> print('{} and {}'.format('hello','world')) # 默认左对齐 2 hello and world 3 >>> print('{:10s} and {:>10s}'.format('hello','world')) # 取10位左对齐,取10位右对齐 4 hello and world 5 >>> print('{:^10s} and {:^10s}'.format('hello','world')) # 取10位中...
对应header_format建议变量用content_format做变量命名;打印水果价钱可以用字典,比较简洁:d = {'Apple':0.4, 'Pears':0.5, 'Cantalopes':1.92, 'Dried Apricots(16)':8,'Prues':12} for k in d.keys():print content_format % (item_width, k, price_width, d[k])...
print("%f"%5.1234567890) Copy Output: 5.123457 Example - decimal points Notice upto 5 decimal points are returned print("%.5f"%5.1234567890) Copy Output: 5.12346 Example - field width is set more than the necessary If the field width is set more than the necessary than the data right aligns...
print(str.format("C语言中文网","")) ValueError: cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification 【例 2】 在实际开发中,数值类型有多种显示需求,比如货币形式、百分比形式等,使用 format() 方法可以将数值格式化为不同的形式。