1>>>print('{} {}'.format('hello','world'))#不带字段2hello world3>>>print('{0} {1}'.format('hello','world'))#带数字编号4hello world5>>>print('{0} {1} {0}'.format('hello','world'))#打乱顺序6hello world hello7>>>print('{1} {1} {0}'.format('hello','world'))8w...
'女')print('名字:{0[0]}, 性别:{0[1]}; 名字:{1[0]}, 性别:{1[1]}'.format(tup1, tup2))# 输出:#'名字:张三, 性别:男; 名字:李四, 性别:女'# ===对象为列表===#lis1=['张三','男']lis2=['李四','女']print('名字:{0[0]}, 性别:{0[1]}; 名字:{1[0]}, 性别:{1[...
f-string,亦称为格式化字符串常量(formatted string literals),是Python3.6新引入的一种字符串格式化方法,该方法源于PEP 498 – Literal String Interpolation,主要目的是使格式化字符串的操作更加简便。f-string在形式上是以 f 或 F 修饰符引领的字符串(f'xxx' 或 F'xxx'),以大括号 {} 标明被替换的字段;f-s...
>>> print('{} {}'.format('hello','world')) # 不带字段 hello world >>> print('{0} {1}'.format('hello','world')) # 带数字编号 hello world >>> print('{0} {1} {0}'.format('hello','world')) # 打乱顺序 hello world hello >>> print('{1} {1} {0}'.format('hello',...
1 >>> print('%o' % 20) 2 24 3 >>> print('%d' % 20) 4 20 5 >>> print('%x' % 20) 6 14 2、浮点数输出 1、格式化输出 %f ——保留小数点后面六位有效数字 %.3f,保留3位小数位 %e ——保留小数点后面六位有效数字,指数形式输出 ...
Here, the use of %num has allowed us to print the desired value without any function or string formatting.Format a Floating Number to a Fixed Width Using the round() Function in PythonWe can also use the round() function to fix the number of digits after the decimal point. This ...
Python也可以这样赋值: a = b = c = d = 1 print(a, b, c, d) # 1 1 1 1 进制转换: a = -15 print(f'{a}对应的十进制是{a}, 二进制是{a:b}, 八进制是{a:o}, 十六进制是{a:x}') 1.2 字符型(string) 单引号:内容中包含大量双引号 双引号:内容中包含大量单引号 ...
Format String SyntaxPEP 3101 – Advanced String FormattingPython format 格式化函数Python之format详解Python高级编程 1. 术语说明 str.format() 方法通过字符串中的花括号 {} 来识别替换字段 replacement field,从而完成字符串的格式化。替换字段 由字段名 field name 和转换字段 conversion field 以及格式说明符 form...
print(formatted_item) Copy In this code: We have alist of items which have different lengths. The template string"{:>12}"defines the format for each item. It contains a single placeholder that specifies the right alignment (>) with a width of 12 characters. The width ensures equal spacing...
# 需要导入模块: from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit [as 别名]# 或者: from PySide.QtGui.QLineEdit importsetFixedWidth[as 别名]classSyncView(View):"""`View` derived class. Defines the sync widget"""sync = Signal((str,))def__init__(self, parent=None):""" Init method. Initializes pare...