defprint_colorful_text(text,color):colored_text=f"{color}{text}{RESET}"print(colored_text) 1. 2. 3. 在这个函数中,我们使用f-string将文本和颜色拼接成一个字符串,并在打印之前添加RESET常量来重置文本的颜色。 5. 调用函数打印彩色字 最后,我们可以调用print_colorful_text函数来打印彩色字。以下是一个...
下面是一个使用colorama模块实现print输出颜色的示例代码: importcoloramadefprint_colorful_text():colorama.init()print(colorama.Fore.RED+'This is red text')print(colorama.Fore.GREEN+'This is green text')print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW+'This is yellow text')print(colorama.Fore.BLUE+'This is blue text'...
import pyfigletfrom termcolor import coloredf = pyfiglet.Figlet(font="isometric1") # 选择一个合适的字体text = f.renderText("Colorful Text") # 渲染带有颜色的文本colored_text = colored(text, color="red") # 将文本设置为红色print(colored_text) # 输出带有颜色的文本 这样一来,你的艺术字体...
print("\033[37mSuixinBlog:\033[0m") print("背景色:") print("\033[1;37;40m\tSuixinBlog:\033[0m") print("\033[37;41m\tSuixinBlog:\033[0m") print("\033[37;42m\tSuixinBlog:\03...
Colorful Print 彩色文本格式化, 彩色文本输出, 控制打印字符颜色样式! 安装 简介 让你的终端输出各式各样的彩色文本, 以一种非常简便的方式嵌入到程序中! 只需要在{}前加上@样式id, 然后把format改为cformat就可以按照样式id输出彩色文本 查看颜色样式ID ...
"""defsearch(path,target):result=glob(path)fordatainresult:ifos.path.isdir(data):# 如果是一个目录_path=os.path.join(data,'*')print('%s is filepath'%data)# 继续往下找search(_path,target)else:# 如果不是一个目录iftargetindata:final_result.append(data)returnfinal_resultif__name__=='_...
Your terminal will fill with color, and you’ll see several options for customizing your text-based user interface:Apart from displaying colorful text in a variety of styles, this demo also illustrates a few more of Rich’s exciting features....
Have you been wanting to learn more about creating command-line interfaces and making them colorful and interactive? This week on the show, Christopher Trudeau is here, bringing another batch of PyCoder's Weekly articles and projects. Play Episode...
textfield = ColorfulTextField() $('body').append(textfield.widget) If you're used to JavaScript, the code above probably set off a few red flags in your head. In pure JavaScript, you can't create an object without using a 'new' operator. Don't worry, the above code will compile ...
green - A clean, colorful test runner. mamba - The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of BDD. tox - Auto builds and tests distributions in multiple Python versions GUI / Web Testing locust - Scalable user load testing tool written in Python. PyAutoGUI - PyAutoGUI ...