A tuple literal can contain several items that you typically assign to a single variable or name: Python >>> t = ("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux") When this occurs, it’s as though the items in the tuple have been packed into the object, as shown in the diagram below: Tuple Pa...
#test2_1.py文件 with open("English_Study_Dict.txt",'rt') as file: a=file.readable() #判断文件是否可读取 b=file.writable() #判断文件是否可写入数据 str1=file.read() print(a,b,str1,sep='\n') #output: True False { "tiger": "\u8001\u864e", [中间数据手动省略] "tuple": "\...
<type 'tuple'> >>> type({}) <type 'dict'> >>> type(type) <type 'type'> >>> class Foo:pass ... >>> foo = Foo() >>> class Bar(object): pass ... >>> bar = Bar() >>> type(Foo) <type 'classobj'> >>> type(foo) <type 'instance'> >>> type(Bar) <type 'type...
String form:[1,2,3]Length:3Docstring:Built-inmutable sequence.If no argument is given,the constructor creates anewemptylist.The argument must be an iterableifspecified.In[3]:print?Docstring:print(value,...,sep=' ',end='\n',file=sys.stdout,flush=False)Prints the values to a stream,or ...
Value may be supplied as either a keyword or positional argument (this is the standard binding behaviour for functions implemented in Python.) VAR_POSITIONAL A tuple of positional arguments that aren't bound to any other parameter. This corresponds to a *args parameter in a Python function def...
sep: string inserted between values, default a space. end: string appended after the last value, default a newline. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream. Type: builtin_function_or_method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20....
| A | | tuple(object) | | code A | 1. 2. 3. 然后继续执行字节码; 12 MAKE_FUNCTION 0 15 CALL_FUNCTION 0 18 BUILD_CLASS 19 STORE_NAME 1 (A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 此时,通过分析函数调用的过程可知,MAKE_FUNCTION将对应的code A包装成一个PyFunctionObject,然后调用CALL_FUNCTION执行对应的code A...
join(<coll_of_strings>) # Joins elements using string as a separator. <bool> = <sub_str> in <str> # Checks if string contains the substring. <bool> = <str>.startswith(<sub_str>) # Pass tuple of strings for multiple options. <int> = <str>.find(<sub_str>) # Returns start ...
argument_type = basic_type | (argument_type+) # this is a tuple | argument_type list # this is a list | argument_type set # this is a set | argument_type []+ # this is a ndarray, C-style | argument_type [::]+ # this is a strided ndarray | argument_type [:,...,:]+...
>>> (-.25).as_integer_ratio() (-1, 4)"""pass deffromhex(self, string):"""将十六进制字符串转换成浮点型"""float.fromhex(string) -> float Create a floating-point number from a hexadecimal string. >>> float.fromhex('0x1.ffffp10') 2047.984375...