字面字符(Literal Characters): 元字符(Metacharacters): 字符集(Character Classes): 预定义字符集(Predefined Character Classes): 量词(Quantifiers): 修饰符(flags) 条件组合 字符串连接(Concatenation) 字符串分组(Grouping): 逻辑运算符(Logical Operators): Python 正则表达式是一种强大的工具,用于在文本中查找、匹...
14. Multiline Strings To work with strings spanning multiple lines: multi = """Line one Line two Line three""" print(multi) 15. Raw Strings To treat backslashes as literal characters, useful for regex patterns and file paths: path = r"C:\User\name\folder" print(path) Working With Web...
print(multiline_string) 复制代码 处理多行字符串中的换行符: # 使用 splitlines() 方法将多行字符串分割成行 lines = multiline_string.splitlines() for line in lines: print(line) 复制代码 处理多行字符串中的空白字符: # 使用 strip() 方法去除每行字符串两端的空白字符 cleaned_lines = [line.st...
The triple-quoted string is what’s often called a “here-doc” multiline string literal—it will capture everything inside the pair of triple quotes, including whitespace, making it useful for documentation purposes. Additionally, Python will do something quite special to this string—it will...
You can also use literals to create strings. To build a single-line string literal, you can use double ("") or single quotes ('') and, optionally, a sequence of characters in between them. All the characters between the opening and closing quotes are part of the string:...
“F-strings provide a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using a minimal syntax. It should be noted that an f-string is really an expression evaluated at run time, not a constant value. In Python source code, an f-string is a literal string, prefixed with f, which contain...
It also has a multiline string literal form enclosed in triple quotes (single or double)—when this form is used, all the lines are concatenated together, and end-of-line characters are added where line breaks appear. This is a minor syntactic convenience, but it’s useful for embedding ...
This is a multiline string. 1. 在上面的代码中,我们首先定义了一个多行字符串multiline_str,其中包含换行符。然后,我们使用replace()函数将换行符替换为空格,得到了处理后的单行字符串singleline_str。 方法二:使用字符串的join()方法 另一种常用的方法是使用字符串的join()方法。该方法可以将一个字符串列表...
This is amultiline string: usage="""Welcome to stopwatch!This script counts slowly upward,one second per tick.This script does not accept command-line arguments.""" These triple quotes ("""...""") tell Python that we're making a string that might span over multiple lines of code. So...
You can display a string literal with theprint()function: ExampleGet your own Python Server print("Hello") print('Hello') Try it Yourself » Quotes Inside Quotes You can use quotes inside a string, as long as they don't match the quotes surrounding the string: ...