print('当前鼠标位置: {}'.format(mouse.position)) 4.【鼠标点击和滚轮滚动】 鼠标点击:可以直接用click(),也可以拆解按下press和释放release。 鼠标滚轮滚动用:mouse.scroll(x, y) import time from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller # 鼠标控制器 mouse = Controller() # 右击;
import time from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller # 鼠标控制器 mouse = Controller() # 右击;, 1) #说明:可以控制点击次数,这里1次。 # 按下和释放右键 === 等价于:右击 mouse.release(Button.right) # 双击左键, ...
from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller # 鼠标控制器 mouse = Controller() # 右击;, 1) #说明:可以控制点击次数,这里1次。 # 按下和释放右键 === 等价于:右击 mouse.release(Button.right) # 双击左键, 2) #说明:可...
print(mouse.position) # (15, 15) # 按一下、松开鼠标(Button后要明确左(右)键,否则会报错) mouse.release(Button.left) #, num)(默认一次), 2) # 双击 # mouse.scroll(direction, pave) mouse.scroll(0, 2) # dirtectio...
pyautogui.size()# Get the sizeofthe primary monitor.pyautogui.position()# Get theXYpositionofthe mouse.moveTo(x,y)# Moves the mouse cursor to the given x and y coordinates.moveRel(xOffset,yOffset)# Moves the mouse cursor relative to its current position.mouseDown(x,y,button)# Simulate...
frompynput.mouseimportButton,ControllerasMouseControllerfrompynput.keyboardimportKey,ControllerasKeyboardControllerimporttimeimportjsonimportsysimportctypesPROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE=2ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE)n=len(sys.argv)ifn<3:exit("Takes two arguments - ...
mouse - Hook and simulate global mouse events on Windows and Linux. pynput - A library to control and monitor input devices. scapy - A brilliant packet manipulation library. Image Processing Libraries for manipulating images. pillow - Pillow is the friendly PIL fork. python-barcode - Create barc...
, it reverts back for the action performed and gives us a result. This result is called output. There are various output devices connected to the computer. The most basic of which is a monitor. Whatever we write using a keyboard or click using a mouse, is all displayed on the monitor....
mouse_x, mouse_y The current position of the mouse cursor mouse_wheel The current value of the mouse wheel btn(key) Return True if the key is pressed, otherwise return False. (Key definition list) btnp(key, [hold], [repeat]) Return True if the key is pressed in that frame, othe...
You can also use the Watch window to monitor individual variables and custom expressions. For more information, see Inspect variables.To view a value by using the DataTips feature during debugging, hover the mouse over any variable in the editor. You can select the variable value to change it...