最简单的方法是使用input函数来实现窗口停留。input函数会等待用户输入内容后才会继续执行后续代码。下面是一个示例: defmy_method():print("Hello, World!")my_method()input("Press Enter to continue...") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 运行以上代码后,窗口会输出"Hello, World!",然后等待用户按下回车键后才会继续...
print("Hello, world!")input("Press Enter to continue...") 1. 2. 在上面的代码中,首先使用print函数输出了一条消息,然后调用了input函数,并传入了一个提示文字。当程序运行到input函数时,就会暂停执行,直到用户输入了内容并按下了回车键。这样,我们就可以看到程序的输出结果,并且窗口会一直保留。 方法二:使...
Press Enter to continue Ratification; approval. Hint: The word begins with R and ends with e Press Enter to see the answer Rate Press Enter to continue A deep hole in a river where there is protection for fish; also, a cover, a hole, or hiding place. Hint: The word begins with H ...
参考:batch file - How can I surpass "Press any key to continue ..." in python? - Stack Overflow
Press enter to continue...''') input() print('''When you drop a sonar device directly on a chest, you retrieve it and the other sonar devices update to show how far away the next nearest chest is. The chests are beyond the range of the sonar device on the left, so it shows an...
pyautogui.moveTo()函数会立即将鼠标光标移动到屏幕上的指定位置。x 坐标和 y 坐标的整数值分别构成函数的第一个和第二个参数。可选的duration整数或浮点关键字参数指定将鼠标移动到目的地所需的秒数。如果你不考虑它,默认是0用于瞬时移动。(PyAutoGUI 函数中所有的duration关键字参数都是可选的。)在交互式 ...
Waiting for a key press one time 等待某个键 importkeyboard# Don't do this! This will use 100% of your CPU until you press the key.# 不要使用下面的代码, 它会占用100%的CPU##while not keyboard.is_pressed('space'):# continue#print('space was pressed, continuing...')# Do this instea...
font2.render('Press ENTER to continue or play again.', True, cfg.WHITE)] positions = [[120, 200], [155, 270], [80, 300]] whileTrue: screen.fill((41, 36, 33)) foreventinpygame.event.get: ifevent.type == pygame.QUIT:
term=Terminal()print(term.bold('Hello, welcome to Blessed!'))withterm.location(x=0,y=2):print(term.center('Press Enter to continue...'))withterm.cbreak():val=term.inkey() 这段代码使用Blessed库创建了一个简单的终端界面,展示了如何打印文本、处理输入以及使用颜色和光标控制。