Python图像库PIL(Python Image Library)是python的第三方图像处理库,但是由于其强大的功能与众多的使用人数,几乎已经被认为是python官方图像处理库了。 PIL(Python Imaging Library)是一个免费的Python编程语言库,它增加了对打开,操作和保存许多不同图像格式的支持。然而,它的发展停滞不前,其最后一版发布于2009年。幸运...
Pillow is the friendly PIL fork byAlex Clark and Contributors. PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and Contributors. Pillow (PIL Fork) 4.3.0 documentation The concepts of the image:Concept 关于图片的 mode, 坐标系统, 滤镜等基本属性。 1.打开,显示图片 fromPILimportImageimg=Image....
Python Imaging Library(PIL)是Python的一个图像处理库,我们可以使用它来输出高清图片。下面是一个简单的示例代码,使用PIL库生成一张高清图片: fromPILimportImage,ImageDraw# 创建一张白色背景的图片'RGB',(800,600),color='white')# 在图片上绘制一个红色矩形draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img)draw.rectan...
通过使用PIL库,我们可以轻松地打开和关闭图片。打开图片使用方法,关闭图片使用image.close()方法。在处理图片时,记得在使用完图片后及时关闭它,以释放资源。 希望本文能帮助你更好地理解如何在Python中打开和关闭图片。感谢阅读! 参考资料: [Pillow Documentation]( [Python Imaging Library Handbook]( Pyt...
参考文献:1. 数字图像处理(第二版);冈萨雷斯:电子工业出版社;2003;2. Python Image Library Handbook: Frediik Lundh,Matthew Ellis; PythonWaie.Iiic: 2002;3. PythonDocumentation(Release 2.3.3); Giudo van Rossum: 2003;4. www.python.oig5. www.pythonware .org...
Pillow is the friendly PIL fork byJeffrey A. Clark and contributors. PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and contributors. As of 2019, Pillow development issupported by Tidelift. docs tests package social Overview The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your...
pil_im ='empire.jpg').convert('L') Here are some examples taken from the PIL documentation, available at Output from the examples is shown in Figure 1-1. Convert Images to Another Format Using the save() method, PI...
Pillow tutorial shows how to use Pillow in Python to work with images. Pillow is a Python Imaging Library (PIL), which adds support for opening, manipulating, and saving images.
fromPILimportImage,, size, color) There are various values for mode listed in the documentation of Pillow. For example RGB and RGBA can be modes. The size is a tuple in the form of (width, height) in pixels. The color can be a word suc...
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Python Pillow library to deal with images and perform image processing. You'll also explore using NumPy for further processing, including to create animations.