Less than:a < b Less than or equal to:a <= b Greater than:a > b Greater than or equal to:a >= b These conditions can be used in several ways, most commonly in "if statements" and loops. An "if statement" is written by using theifkeyword. ...
elif(else if的缩写)允许你检查多个表达式是否为真,并在前一个条件为假时执行特定代码块。 x=10ifx>15:print("x is greater than 15")elifx>10:print("x is greater than 10 but less than or equal to 15")else:print("x is 10 or less") 在这个例子中,因为x大于 10 但不大于 15,所以第二个...
less_than=x<y # 小于 greater_than_equal=x>=y # 大于等于 less_than_equal=x<=y # 小于等于 3. 逻辑运算符 逻辑运算符用于组合多个条件,并返回布尔结果。以下是一些常见的逻辑运算符: 与:and 或:or 非:not 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 逻辑运算符示例 x=True y=False logical_and=x and y # 与...
# 正确的缩进ifx>10:print("x is greater than 10")else:print("x is less than or equal to 10")# 错误的缩进ifx>10:print("x is greater than 10")else:print("x is less than or equal to 10") 解决方法:使用一个统一的缩进方式,比如四个空格或者一个制表符,并且保持代码的对齐和整洁。 2. ...
* + - / *# The same goes for logical operators< #less than < #less than> #greater than > #greater than<= #less than or equal to <= #less than or equal to== #is equal to == #is equal to!= #is not equal to != #is not equal to& #and ...
# 变量定义和赋值x = 10y = "Hello, Python!"z = True# 条件语句if x > 5:print("x is greater than 5")else:print("x is less than or equal to 5")# 循环语句for i in range(5):print(i)i = 0while i < 5:print(i)i += 1 通过学习和实践这些基础知识,你将逐步建立起 Python 编程...
x = 5if x >= 10:print("x is greater than or equal to 10")else:print("x is less than 10") 在这个例子中,由于x的值为 5,因此会执行else语句下的代码块,输出"x is less than 10"。 语法格式 Python 中使用 if else 关键字表示条件语句. ...
x=5y=12if(x>0andx<10)or(y>0andy<10):print("x or y is between 0 and 10")else:print("x and y are either both less than or equal to 0, or both greater than or equal to 10") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在上面的示例中,如果变量x大于0且小于10,或者变量y大于0且小于10,则条...
在介绍报错原因之前,我们先来了解一下else语句的基本用法。else语句可以与if语句一起使用,形成一个条件语句块。当if语句中的条件为False时,程序会执行else语句中的代码块。 以下是一个简单的例子: x=5ifx<5:print("x is less than 5")else:print("x is greater than or equal to 5") ...
Less than x < y >= Greater than or equal to x >= y <= Less than or equal to x <= y 逻辑运算符 Operator Description Example and Returns True if both statements are true x < 5 and x < 10 or Returns True if one of the statements is true x < 5 or x < 4 not Reverse the ...