你也可以有一个else没有elif: a = 200b= 33ifb >a:print("b is greater than a")else:print("b is not greater than a") Short Hand If ifa > b:print("a is greater than b") Short Hand If ... Else 如果您只有一条语句要执行,一条用于 if,一条用于 else,您可以将它们全部放在同一行: ...
print("b is not greater than a") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、if…else 简写 简写If 如果只有一条语句要执行,则可以将其与if语句放在同一行。 单行if 语句: a = 200 b = 66 if a > b: print("a is greater than b") 1. 2. 3. 简写If … Else 如果只有两条语句要执行,一条用于 if,...
pythonx = 5if x > 10:print("x is greater than 10")elif x == 10:print("x is exactly 10")else:print("x is less than 10")在这个例子中,我们首先检查x是否大于10。如果是,则打印"x is greater than 10"。否则,我们继续检查x是否等于10。如果是,则打印"x is exactly 10"。如果这两个条...
if x > y: #...(tab)print("x is greater than y") # ...elif x < z: (tab)print("x is less than z") # ..默认处理:当需要一个默认的处理分支时,可以使用else子句。例如,根据年龄判断是否成年:age = 18 if age < 18: (tab)print("未成年") else: #...(tab...
嵌套if语句 嵌套if语句允许我们在一个if语句块内部使用另一个if语句。这在需要进一步细分条件时非常有用。 以下是一个嵌套if语句的示例: x=10y=5ifx>5:print("x is greater than 5")ify>2:print("y is greater than 2")else:print("y is less than or equal to 2")else:print("x is less than ...
condition为True,代表if判断成功,执行statement1。 condition为False,代表if判断不成功,进入else情况,执行statement2。 代码示例 >>>x =5>>>ifx >0:...print("x is greater than 0")...else:...print("x is less than or equal to 0") xisgreater than0 ...
Less than:a < b Less than or equal to:a <= b Greater than:a > b Greater than or equal to:a >= b These conditions can be used in several ways, most commonly in "if statements" and loops. An "if statement" is written by using theifkeyword. ...
x = 10 result = "Greater than 10" if x > 10 else "Equal to 10" if x == 10 else "Less than 10" print(result) # 输出 'Equal to 10' 总结 在Python编程中,三元运算符是一种精炼而多功能的条件语法结构,能够根据条件快速选择值或执行操作。本文全面介绍了三元运算符的多种应用场景及其灵活...
result = "负数"`` ``# 使用三目运算符``result = "正数" if num > 0 else ("零" if ...
ifnumber>3: 1. 这条语句检查number是否大于 3,如果条件成立,则执行下面的代码块。 4. 将符合条件的元素存储到新数组 如果一个元素大于 3,我们就将其添加到另一个列表中。为了存储这些大于 3 的元素,我们可以初始化一个空列表greater_than_three。