Lesson 31: A First Course on Deploying Python Projects Platforms Lesson 32: Google Colab for Machine Learning Projects Lesson 33: Using Kaggle in Machine Learning Projects Appendix Appendix A: Python Books Appendix B: How to Set up a Workstation for Python Appendix C: Small Tricks You can see...
tensorflow_course 如果觉得官方文档不能够让你变成tensorflow熟手,那就试着用tensorflow完成几个机器学习算法的搭建,tensorflow_course是一个gihub资源,目前已经10k+个star,受欢迎程度可见一斑,上面有传统算法,例如线性回归、支持向量机,也有深度学习算法,例如卷积神经网络,能够让你在学习机器学习的过程中进一步熟练tensorflow。
支持向量机的示例代码: # All the libraries we need for linear SVMimportnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltfromsklearnimportsvm# This is used for our datasetfromsklearn.datasetsimportload_breast_cancer# ===# We are using sklearn datasets to create the set of data points about breast cancer# ...
This is a Python course with a major focus on enabling you to build machine learning algorithms. You will be able to predict future events with the help of data by using machine learning. This course will teach you how to create a machine learning prediction solution. This course is also p...
In this course, you practice with real-life examples of Machine learning and see how it affects society in ways you may not have guessed! By just putting in a few hours a week for the next few weeks, this is what you’ll get. ...
Who should take this course?This course is recommended for professionals who already have some Python experience but want to learn more about the Numpy Stack so they can move on to more advanced machine learning and data science courses.
Cost: Free (certificate available for $299) Length: 6 weeks (4–5 hours/week) Course learning goals: Explore advanced data science; train models; examine result; recognize data bias IBM: Machine Learning with Python course Data scientists from IBM guide students through machine learning algorithms...
Course Python Deep Learning: PyTorch vs Tensorflow PyTorch vs Tensorflow: Which one should you use? Learn about these two popular deep learning libraries and how to choose the best one for your project.Algorithms in Machine Learning Dive headfirst into specific Machine Learning algorithms. Get hands...
Sklearn官网:scikit-learn: machine learning in Python tensorflow官网:tf.io.read_file | TensorFlow ...
No.1Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming 中文版:《Python编程 从入门到实践第2版(图灵出品)》 广告 Python编程 从入门到实践 第2版(图灵出品) ¥59.70起 简介:这本书介绍的都是一些非常非常基础的Python知识点。全书分为两部分,第一部分为编程基...