fromdatetimeimportdatetimedefget_first_day_of_current_month():# 获取当前日期 获取当月的第一天first_day=today.replace(day=1)returnfirst_dayif__name__=="__main__":first_day=get_first_day_of_current_month()print("当月第一天是:",first_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) 1...
fromdatetimeimportdatetime,timedeltadefget_first_and_last_day_of_current_month():# 获取当前日期 获取当月的第一天first_day=today.replace(day=1)# 获取下个月的第一天iftoday.month==12:next_month_first_day=first_day.replace(year=today.year+1,month=1)else:next_month_first...'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(first_day) _end_time =last_day_of_month( + ' ' + '23:59:59' print(_end_time) def get_current_week(): monday, sunday =, datetime.dat...
current_time = time.localtime() year = current_time.tm_year month = current_time.tm_mon day = current_time.tm_mday hour = current_time.tm_hour minute = current_time.tm_min second = current_time.tm_secprint(f"Year:{year}, Month:{month}, Day:{day}, Hour:{hour}, Minute:{minute...
return (firstday(year)+sum(monthday(year)[:month-1])+day-1)%7 序号及天数 def monthrange(year, month): '''Return weekday (0-6 ~ Mon-Sun) and number of days (28-31) for year, month.''' return weekday(year, month, 1), monthday(year)[month-1] ...
['yearmonth','siccd'])['feps'].transform( \ lambda x: pd.qcut(x.rank(method='first'), q=5, labels=False, duplicates='drop')) # rank2 # factor_rank = pd.concat([factor_rank, ...
defprevious_day(dtToday):returndtToday - pd.DateOffset(days=1) This returns2017-03-03. However, this business day is not available in my range of dates (dfDates). I am therefore looking for a robust way to find the date that is the closest to the previous day/month/year/...
Use '<D/DT>.weekday()' to get the day of the week as an int, with Monday being 0. Now <D/DTn> = D/ # Current local date or naive DT. Also <DTa> =<tzinfo>) # Aware DT from current time in passed timezone. To extract time use '<DTn>....
我们得到 ValueError: month must be in 1..12,毫无疑问,日历中没有第 26 个月,抛出异常。 让我们看看如何创建一个datetime.time对象: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 # From the datetime moduleimporttime from datetimeimporttime ...
fromdatetimeimportdatetimeexec_date='2024-02-29'current_date=datetime.strptime(exec_date,"%Y-%m-%d")end_date=current_date.replace(year=current_date.year-2,month=current_date.month, We are trying to get the date of two years from now in Python datetime. ...