Faker library contains almost all the attributes required for generating the fake data. For example print("Name:",fake.name()) print("Email:", fake.email()) print("Phone:", fake.phone_number()) print("Address:",fake.address()) print("State:",fake.state()) print("Country:", fake....
fromfakerimportFakerfromfaker.providersimportBaseProvider# 创建一个新的provider类classCustomProvider(BaseProvider):defcustom_data(self):data=["Custom Data 1","Custom Data 2","Custom Data 3"]returnself.random_element(data)# 创建Faker实例并添加自定义providerfake=Faker()fake.add_provider(CustomProvider)...
Python Faker 可以生成虚拟数据,能够快速创建数据集,以便进行各种分析操作。 importpandasaspdfromfakerimportFaker fake=Faker()# 创建虚拟数据集data={"Name":[fake.name()for_inrange(100)],"Email":[fake.email()for_inrange(100)],"Age":[fake.random_int(min=18,max=65)for_inrange(100)]}df=pd....
from pattern.en import sentiment url = URL("http://www.example.com") html = url.download(cached=True) dom = DOM(html) # 提取页面标题 title = dom.by_tag("title")[0].content print(title) # Example Domain # 情感分析 text = "I love this library!" polarity, subjectivity =...
For example: from faker import Fakerfake = Faker()fake.name()Output:'Katherine Walker' An identical syntax can be used for creating any other kind of fake data. All we need to do is to substitute name with a suitable self-explanatory method: address, email, phone_number, city, country,...
range ID from 1 to 3 step 1 | extend Name='' | evaluate python(typeof(*), ```if 1: from sandbox_utils import Zipackage Zipackage.install("Faker.zip") from faker import Faker fake = Faker() result = df for i in range(df.shape[0]): result.loc[i, "Name"] = fake.name() ...
from faker import Faker fake = Faker() Faker.seed(4321) print(fake.name()) # 'Margaret Boehm'Each generator can also be switched to use its own instance of random.Random, separated from the shared one, by using the seed_instance() method, which acts the same way. For example:from ...
Example-1: Generate Different Types of Fake Data Create a Python file with the following script that will generate the dummy name, email, address, country, and URL address of a person. The faker library has been imported and the faker object has been created to generate the dummy data. ...
Example 1: Populating a Database with Faker Now, let’s learn how to use Python Faker to populate a database table with records and run a sample query on it. This includes the following steps: Setting up the database and the database table ...
示例代码: print(dir(pprint)) # 显示输出结果为:['PrettyPrinter', '_String 分享回复赞 python吧 Faker♋ 学习python为什么一定要装虚拟机和ubuntu?不能直接下载python在windows下学习吗? 分享163 arcgis吧 ლ青春微凉✨💦 03-11【求助】如何给新安装的python导入arcpy包已安装arcgis10.2,自带pytho2.7 再...