原作名:Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming 译者:袁国忠 出版年:2023-5 页数:476 定价:109.80元 装帧:平装 丛书:图灵程序设计丛书·Python系列 ISBN:9787115613639 豆瓣评分 9.2 402人评价 5星
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"I am not at all surprised that thePython Crash Coursebook has sold 1.5 million copies and counting. This 3rd edition, with its numerous updates and additions, is likely to double this number. . . . Everything you need to know is included. And did I mention that it's a LOT of fun?
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《Python编程:从入门到实践 第三版》(Python Crash Course 3rd〉(作者:埃里克·马瑟斯) 本书是针对所有层次的 Python 读者而作的 Python 入门书。全书分为两部分:第一部分介绍使用Python 编程所必须了解的基本概念,包括强大的 Python 库和工具,以及列表、字典、if 语句、类、文件和异常、测试代码等内容;第二部分...
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