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"I am not at all surprised that thePython Crash Coursebook has sold 1.5 million copies and counting. This 3rd edition, with its numerous updates and additions, is likely to double this number. . . . Everything you need to know is included. And did I mention that it's a LOT of fun?
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Python Crash Course从2016年出版,到现在刚刚7年就已经增补到了第3版,可见作者是认真的、市场是认可的、内容是靠谱的。关键是,这本书在图灵的Python技术图书中的核心地位难以撼动。为什么呢?因为其他入门书没这本全面,而其他专业领域图书又没这本好读,它基本上可以作为将其他所有Python技术图书串联起来的总线。...
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Python Crash Course is the world’s best-selling guide to the Python programming language. This fast-paced, thorough introduction will have you writing programs, solving problems, and developing functioning applications in no time. You’ll start by learning basic programming concepts, such as variabl...
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Even if you have no experience whatsoever,Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition, will have you writing programs, solving problems, building computer games, and creating data visualizations in no time. You’ll begin with basic concepts like variables, lists, classes, and loops—with the help of fun ...