The main purpose of the course is to cultivate students data analysis ability and lay a foundation for advanced applications in computer fields such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Through the study of the course, students can learn the thinking method of processing data with ...
data = pd.read_csv('/data/course_data/data_analysis/analyse_spider.csv',encoding='GBK') # 删除businessZones列数据 data.drop(['businessZones'],axis=1, inplace=True) #删除整列 # 删除含有NaN的数据 data.dropna(inplace=True) #删除空值 3.删除重复数据: 使用data.duplicated()方法...
from matplotlib import font_manager my_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/data/course_data/data_analysis/STSONG.TTF',size=10) df = pd.read_excel('/data/course_data/data_analysis/lagou.xlsx') plt.figure(figsize = (10,8)) num = df.groupby('学历').size() # 绘制饼图 patches, ...
DataAnalysiswithPython-FullCourseForBeginners:使用Python进行数据分析-源码 开发技术 - 其它 Ad**it上传64.85MB文件格式zip 开始使用 Python是一种功能强大的现代编程语言,具有经验丰富的程序员所需的功能,同时对于初学者来说也足够容易学习。 涵盖了Python入门所需的一切。 该课程还提供定期的测验和动手练习,使您...
Python Crash Course 由Eric Matthes所著的《Python Crash Course: A Hands-on, Project-Based Introduction to Programming》可以为初学者提供一站式服务。全书共分为两个部分,第一部分包括编程的基本语法,像if语句,列表,字典等。第二部分包括一些实战项目,为我们应用新学的知识提供了一个机会,这些项目包括: ...
This is a Jupyter notebook for Python for Data Analysis course. Part 0, Introudction to Jupyter Notebook This course notes is presented as an IPython Notebook, which has been renamed to Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook是以一段段代码/文字块的组合而显示的。Notebook有两种基本形式:Commond Mod...
Allows alignment & handling of missing data Allows reshaping of data sets If you want to know more about data analytics, enroll in this professionalData Analytics course in Canada. Matplotlib Matploptibis a Python low-level data visualization toolkit. It is simple to use and mimics MATLAB featur...
1.《Python Crash Course》by Eric Matthes:这本书适合初学者,涵盖了Python的基础知识和常见编程概念。它提供了大量的示例代码和练习,帮助读者通过实践来巩固所学内容。 2.《Automate the Boring Stuff with Python》by Al Sweigart:这本书以实际问题为导向,教授如何使用Python自动化常见的计算机任务。它涵盖了文件操...
如果你好奇我方如何将give me some credit数据集AUC达到0.929,可参考教程《python信用评分卡建模(附代码)》 《python信用评分卡建模(附代码)》中give me some credit数据集一览。 三、数据预处理 数据预处理,主要工作包括数据清洗、缺失值处理、异常值处理、数据类型转换等等。我们...
3.3 Python Data Analysis(Python数据分析) http:///coursera-python-analysis Python基础课程,这门课程将讲授通过Python读取和分析表格数据和结构化数据等,例如TCSV文件等: This course will continue the introduction to Python programming that started with Python Programming Essentials and Python Data Representations...