Coursera上密歇根大学的课程对中国地区是有优惠的,在注册流程中请不要挂vpn访问,只要7元人民币一个月(对比原价49美元)。 课程笔记: 学习过程: 差不多是从3个月开始前学习,这三个月中取得了专项课程中前三个证书,最后决定...
前前后后看了我三个月,总算全部好好的过了几遍,再回头看课程问题就觉得真心小儿科,这里就先把'Applied-Data-Science-with-Python/Introduction-to-Data-Science-in-Python'第三周课后代码发出来,供各位跟我一样还在PYTHON学习道路上奔跑的小伙伴们参考,一起努力! # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mo...
coursera-Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python(Visualizing Email Data),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
pythondata-sciencecourseraprojectpython3data-analysisibmjupyter-notebookspython-for-data-analysiswatson-studioibm-data-science-professional UpdatedJul 4, 2020 Jupyter Notebook xiongzwfire/Python-for-Data-Analysis-Notes Star0 Code Issues Pull requests ...
Conduct an inferential statistical analysis Discern whether a data visualization is good or bad Enhance a data analysis with applied machine learning Analyze the connectivity of a social network SKILLS YOU WILL GAIN Text Mining Python Programming ...
Inferential analysis: Makes predictions about larger populations from sample data Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Explores data with an open mind, absent of preconceived ideas Diagnostic analysis: Like a doctor looking for a possible cause of illness, this technique investigates cause-and-effect relati...
1 Line of code data quality profiling & exploratory data analysis for Pandas and Spark DataFrames. python data-science machine-learning statistics deep-learning jupyter pandas-dataframe exploratory-data-analysis jupyter-notebook eda pandas exploration data-analysis html-report data-exploration hacktober...
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, a comprehensive program covering foundational areas of analytics, taught by Google employees on Coursera. IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate, focusing on refining capabilities in Excel and Python for data manipulation, visualization, and analysis, also av...
2. Master the AI Machine Learning Algorithm and Model it With Tools Such as Python/R Can traditional BI analysis answer what happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen to the future? We must rely on algorithms. While self-service BIs like Tableau and FineReport have...