Names to Avoid 应避免的名字 永远不要使用字母‘l’(小写的L),‘O’(大写的O),或者‘I’(大写的I)作为单字符变量名。 在有些字体里,这些字符无法和数字0和1区分,如果想用‘l’,用‘L’代替。 Class Names 类名 类名一般使用首字母大写的约定。 在接口被文档化并且主要被用于调用的情况下,可以使用函数...
类名称需要使用驼峰命名 Class names should use CamelCase convention (起名真是编程界的一大难题) 提示中表示,当我们定义python类时,应该使用驼峰命名——CamelCase,即单词组合中首字母需要大写。故而我们在命名时,图上的名称应改为SeriesSquareCompeted 函数中的变量需要使用小写 Variable in function should be...
"Bob", "Charlie"] # This loop prints out each name in the list.for name in names: print(name) # This is a class that represents a person. class Person: def __init__(self, name, age):
Hello, Some programmers like to use a coding convention where all names of variables that are pointers start with the letter p (and sometimes even use similar conventions for strings and other... C / C++ 144 Coding standards by: Natt Serrasalmus | last post by: After years of opera...
Naming Convention的核心就是consistency(一致性) 官方的意思大概是: Python库的命名规范有点乱,所以永远不会完全一致 尽管如此,还是有目前推荐的命名标准 新的模块和包(包括第三方框架)应该按照这些标准编写,但如果现有库具有不同的风格,则优先考虑内部一致性 ...
Naming Convention: 命名约定: If an identifier starts with an underscore, then it is a private identifier 如果标识符以下划线开头,则它是私有标识符 Refer to my story for 参考我的故事 underscores in python. 在python中下划线 。 Class names should normally use the CapWords convention. 类名通常应使用...
0 Is there a PEP convention for "my class" in a class method? 5 What's convention for naming a class or method as "class" in Python? 3 Naming conventions for Python scripts without classes 8 What is the capitalization standard for class names in the Python Standard Library? 1 Python...
Class names should use CamelCase convention (起名真是编程界的一大难题) 提示中表示,当我们定义python类时,应该使用驼峰命名——CamelCase,即单词组合中首字母需要大写。故而我们在命名时,图上的名称应改为SeriesSquareCompeted 函数中的变量需要使用小写
Python Function Naming Convention In Python, function names should clearly convey the function’s purpose. This helps programmers understand the function’s role in a program. Python usessnake_casefor naming functions. This means using lowercase letters, with words separated by underscores (_). For...
Class Names Class names should normally use the CapWords convention. $类名遵循首字母大写风格. The naming convention for functions may be used instead in cases where the interface is documented and used primarily as a callable. 函数的命名根据接口的文档调整. ...