参考链接: PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code - Naming Convention 原则 虽然Python的官方风格指南PEP 8提供了上述命名规范,但在实际应用中,某些项目或组织可能会根据特定的需求或偏好有自己的命名约定。务必遵循当前项目或组织的命名标准。总之,一致性是最重要的。 常见标识符命名规范 特殊命名规范 PEP 8 – ...
复制 import ipdbipdb.set_trace()ipdb.set_trace(context=5) # will show five linesofcode#insteadofthedefaultthree linesipdb.pm()ipdb.run('x[0] = 3')result = ipdb.runcall(function, arg0, arg1, kwarg='foo')result = ipdb.runeval('f(1,2) - 3') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
Naming conventions in Python guide naming variables,functions, classes, and other identifiers. These practices enhancecode readabilityand help maintain consistency across projects. They align with PEP 8, the official Python style guide, which suggests standards for naming across thePython standard librarya...
测试发现(test discovery):pytest不需要提供显式和明确的子类和命名规则(naming convention)就可以自动发现测试文件和测试用例;unittest遵循严格的发现机制 固定件(fixtures)和插件(fixtures&plugins):pytest提供了功能强大的fixture mechanism,简化了测试设定和teardown。fixture可用于定义重复使用的设定和code cleanup,提升测试...
When the code needs to remain compatible with older versions of Python that don't support the feature recommended by the style guide. 遵循这个PEP会让代码对于一般人, 甚至习惯于阅读此PEP规范代码的人的可读性变差这种情况. 为了与上下文代码风格一致(当上下文的风格也违背了这个PEP, 可能由于历史原因etc)...
Naming Convention: 命名约定: If an identifier starts with an underscore, then it is a private identifier 如果标识符以下划线开头,则它是私有标识符 Refer to my story for 参考我的故事 underscores in python. 在python中下划线 。 Class names should normally use the CapWords convention. 类名通常应使用...
To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it (maybe for historic reasons) -- although this is also an opportunity to clean up someone else's mess (in true XP style). Because the code in question predates the introduction of the guideline and there is no other reason to be...
This will allow the next person reading your code to know that, by convention, a certain name is assigned but not intended to be used. For instance, you may not be interested in the actual value of a loop counter:n = 42 for _ in range(n): do_something() ...
My database currently exists and has a number of ForeignKeys defined without names. I would like to add a naming convention to allow for migrations that affect ForeignKey columns. I've added the naming convention given here to the top of my models.py file:SQLAlchemy Naming Constraints ...
wait_for_press() as a method which blocks the code from continuing until the button is pressed. Also see wait_for_release(): 等待被按(wait_for_press())是一个方法,他会阻塞代码直到按钮被按。同样参考等待释放(wait_for_release()):