# Program to find Area of Circle using radius# Taking radius from userr =float(input("Enter the radious of circle : "))# Taking radius measure unit from userunit =input("Enter the measure unit of radius (e.g. in, cm) : ")# Finding area of a circle using ( A = /\R*R ) for...
#CaCircleArea.py r = 25 area = 3.1515 * r * r print(area) print("{:.2f}".format(area)) 结果输出 绘制五角星: #DrawStar.py from turtle import * color('red','red') begin_fill() for i in range(5): fd(200) rt(144) end_fill() done() 运行结果: 程序运行计时: #CalRunTime.p...
1 def CalCircleArea(r): #定义名为CalCircleArea的函数 2 s=3.14*r*r #计算半径为r的圆的面积 3 print('半径为%.2f的圆的面积为%.2f'%(r,s)) #将计算结果输出 4 def CalRectArea(a,b): #定义名为CalRectArea的函数 5 s=a*b #计算边长分别为a和b的长方形的面积 6 print('边长为%.2f和...
print("The area of the circle with radius", r, "is", area) if __name__ == '__main__': main() 本例我们定义了一个计算圆的面积的函数area_of_circle(),然后在主程序代码中使用该函数计算圆的面积并输出结果。 注意,在这个例子中,我们使用“if __name__ == ...
mark_circle().encode( x='a', y='b', size='c', color='c', tooltip=['a', 'b', 'c']) st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True) 三维柱状图:pydeck_chart 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as ...
class Circle: def __init__(self, radius): self._radius = radius @property def radius(self): # Getter method for the radius. return self._radius @property def area(self): # Getter method for the area. return 3.14 * self._radius**2 ...
Here’s the code: Python decorators.py 1import functools 2import time 3 4# ... 5 6def timer(func): 7 """Print the runtime of the decorated function""" 8 @functools.wraps(func) 9 def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs): 10 start_time = time.perf_counter() 11 value = func(*...
Add matplotlib.pyplot.Circle 3D pie chart Use pygooglechart package shadow attribute Normal histogram express histogram histplot Bimodal histogram color attribute kdeplot Area chart express area matplotlib.pyplot.stackplot Dot graph express scatter stripplot Scatter plot express scatter scatterplot Bubble ch...
# 5.在circle基础上做一个叫做arc的函数, 在circle的基础上添加一个angle( 译者注: 角度) 变 #量, 用这个角度值来确定画多大的一个圆弧。 用度做单位, 当angle等于360度的时候, arc函 # 数就应当画出一个整团了。 # In[8]: def square(t): ...
height class Circle(Shape): def __init__(self, radius): self.radius = radius def area(self): return math.pi * (self.radius ** 2) 习题14 在Shape基类中添加一个perimeter方法,并在Rectangle和Circle中实现它。对于Circle,可以将其周长定义为直径乘以π。 答案14 class Shape: def area(self): #...