#Case-insensitive string comparison in Python In our above examples, we use the case of letters for string comparison. However, if you want the string comparison to be case-insensitive, use the lower() method with the strings you are comparing. Here is an example. string1="hello"string2="...
假设ASCII 字符串: string1 = 'Hello' string2 = 'hello' if string1.lower() == string2.lower(): print("The strings are the same (case insensitive)") else: print("The strings are NOT the same (case insensitive)") 从Python 3.3 开始, casefold() 是一个更好的选择: string1 = 'Hello...
list.sort() 和 sorted() 都有一个 key 参数,用于指定在作比较之前,调用何种函数对列表元素进行处理。 For example, here’s a case-insensitive string comparison: 例如,忽略大小写的字符串比较: key 参数的值应该是一个函数,该函数接收一个参数,并且返回一个 key 为排序时所用。这种方法速度很快,因为每个输...
Python’s str class provides a range of methods for string manipulation and comparison. Some commonly used methods include str1.startswith(prefix), str1.endswith(suffix), str1.lower(), and str1.upper(). Example: str1 = "hello"str2 = "Hello"# Case-insensitive comparisonif str1.lower()...
More Comparison Operators Case-Insensitive String Comparisons Compare Strings Using Regular Expressions (RegEx) Multi-Line and List Comparisons Conclusion Acknowledgements Free Monitor with Ping Bot # monitoring # uptime # observability Reliable monitoring for your app, databases, infrastructure, and the vend...
Python Case-insensitive String Comparison using the upper() str_1 = 'cherry' str_2 = 'CHERRY' print(str_1 == str_2) # False print(str_1.upper() == str_2.upper()) # True Conclusion Python provides a rich set of methods for comparing strings. If you want to check for string equ...
Case insensitive String compare In case you want to compare String by case insensitive, you need to use either upper() or lower() with Strings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 str1="hello" str2="HELLO" print(str1.lower()==str2.lower())
string=''' the stirng Has many line In THE fIle jb51 net ''' list_of_string=string.split() printlist_of_string#将字符串分离开,放入列表中 print'*'*50 defcase_insensitive_sort2(liststring): returnsorted(liststring,key=str.lower)
This function is used to perform case-insensitive string comparison. Python String expandtabs() Python string expandtabs() function returns a new string with tab characters (\t) replaced with one or more whitespaces. Python String index() Python String index() function returns the lowest index ...
print case_insensitive_sort2(list_of_string)#调用起来,测试一下 效果一样~ 方法三: 使用list的sort方法: 该方法的官方描述文档如下: The sort() method takes optional arguments for controlling the comparisons. cmpa custom comparison function of two arguments (list items) ...