from unittestimportmockimportunittestclassPeopleTest(unittest.TestCase):deftest_name(self):#调用被测试类People()p=People()'Hello Mock')'a','b')'__main__':unittest.main(verbosity=2) 2、执行
为了实现这一目的,unittest.mock模块提供了一系列的断言方法,例如: assert_called_once_with:验证Mock对象被调用且仅被调用一次,并且参数与预期相符。 assert_called_with:验证Mock对象被调用,并且参数与预期相符。 assert_called_once:验证Mock对象被调用且仅被调用一次。 通过这些断言方法,我们可以轻松地验证Mock对象的...
set = Mock() fake_now = datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 1) with patch("datetime.datetime") as dt: = fake_now tracker.change_status("AC102", "on time") tracker.redis.set.assert_called_once_with( "flightno:AC102", "2015-04-01T00...
>>> mock.method.assert_awaited_once() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> ... AssertionError: Expected method to have been awaited once. Awaited 0 times. assert_awaited_with(*args, **kwargs) assert:mock对象最后一次的await的参数和指定的参数一致。 >>> moc...
assert_called_once_with( PERSONA_VERIFY_URL, data={'assertion': 'an assertion', 'audience': DOMAIN} ) def test_returns_none_if_response_errors(self, mock_post): mock_post.return_value.ok = False # user = self.backend.authenticate('an assertion') self.assertIsNone(user) def test_...
with mock.patch('requests.get') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value.status_code = 404 response = requests.get('<>') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) 上述代码使用 @mock.patch 修饰器模拟了 requests.get 方法,并使用 return_value 属性模拟了 HTTP 请求返回的结果...
save.assert_called_once_with() # We define a function that makes the assertion about the thing we want to happen first: checking the list’s owner has been set. We assign that check function as a side_effect to the thing we want to check happened second. When the view calls our ...
called_once_with() is not a proper assertion and raise AttributeError on Python 3.12. comment:9byGitHub <noreply@…>,20个月 ago In38e63c9: Refs#34118-- Fixed CustomChoicesTests.test_uuid_unsupported on Python 3.12+.
loads.assert_called_with('{"key": "value"}') >>> json.loads.assert_called_once_with('{"key": "value"}')datetime = Mock() = "tuesday" requests = Mock() requests.get.side_effect = Timeout
It turns out that this test has multiple errors in it, which appear oncecalled_withis replaced byassert_called_with. I've fixed it in a local patch which I'll submit shortly. A final test that fails, which I missed earlier isspyder/app/tests/