Python-5 is a fifth-generation air-to-air missile (AAM) manufactured by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is the newest member in the range of Python AAMs. The missile can engage enemy aircraft from very short ranges and near beyond visual range. Python-5 is the most accurate and reliab...
(5, 20) ## for randomizing the speed of the Mob ## randomize the movements a little more self.speedx = random.randrange(-3, 3) ## adding rotation to the mob element self.rotation = 0 self.rotation_speed = random.randrange(-8, 8) self.last_update = pygame.time.get_ticks() ##...
首先,我们需要导入pygame模块,并调用其init()函数进行初始化。接着,我们可以生成主屏幕对象,为游戏的呈现做好准备。pygame.display.set_mode((600, 500)) # 设置游戏窗口大小为600x500像素pygame.display.set_caption('Hello Pygame') # 设置游戏窗口标题为'Hello Pygame'while True:pygame.display.update() #...
4 missile_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(path.join(sound_dir,'Laser_Shoot5.wav')) 5,'background_01.wav')) 游戏精灵类的创建 1 classPlayer(pygame.sprite.Sprite): 2 3 def __init__(self): ...
在实现玛丽的跳跃功能时,首先需要指定玛丽的固定坐标,也就是默认显示在地图上的固定位置,然后判断是否按下了键盘中的 <space> (空格)键,如果按下了就开启玛丽的跳跃开关,让玛丽以5个像素的距离向上移动。当玛丽到达窗体顶部的边缘时,再让玛丽以5 个像素的距离向下移动,回到地面后关闭跳跃的开关。玛丽跳跃功能的业...
The Python 5 is an Israeli fourth-generation air-to-air missile with surface-to-air applications. It has an improved maximum range of 20 km compared with the Python 4, which can strike targets at distances of up to 15 km. In addition, the Python 5 has a new imaging infrared seeker ...
missile_move(loc): global hit_flag solve_x = 0 solve_y = 0 x1, y1, x2, y2 = loc dist = ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)**(1/2) max_dist = max(0.08*dist, 10) move_dist = min(max_dist*(0.6+random.random()), max_dist) if abs(dist - move_dist) < 5: hit_flag ...
本游戏主要分为两个对象,分别是我方坦克和敌方坦克。用户可以通过控制我方的坦克来摧毁敌方的坦克保护自己的“家”,把所有的敌方坦克消灭完达到胜利。敌方的坦克在初始的时候是默认 5 个的(这可以自己设置),当然,如果我方坦克被敌方坦克的子弹打中,游戏结束。从面向对象分析该项目有以下类组成: ...
示例5 def set_message(self, msg): ObjectData.set_message(self, msg) msg.set_data('experience', self.get_experience()) msg.set_data('missile_range', self.get_missile_range()) msg.set_data('missile_dx', self.get_missile_dx()) msg.set_data('missile_dy', self.get_missile_dy()) ...