Python-5 is a fifth-generation air-to-air missile (AAM) manufactured by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is the newest member in the range of Python AAMs. The missile can engage enemy aircraft from very short ranges and near beyond visual range. Python-5 is the most accurate and reliab...
Rafael unveils the Python-4 air-to-air missileARIEH O'SULLIVAN
The new-generation Python 4 air-to-air missile, arguably the most advanced weapon of its kind, makes its European debut at the Paris air show. Made by Rafael, this close-combat infra-red homing missile is already in use with the Israeli Air Force. Features include a high performance se...
Air to air combat sandbox, created in Python 3 using the HARFANG 3D 2 framework. - harfang3d/dogfight-sandbox-hg2
ThepropNavprogram was refactored from a Mathcad variant developed in the mid to late 1990's as a tool to perform rudimentary evaluations of surface to air missile (SAM) engagement capabilities against likely targets. During that time, a high fidelity 6-DOF missile simulation was utilized to per...
Singapore adds Python-5 missile capability to upgraded F-16s Air WarfareRoy Choo
和Adobe AIR类似,它支持用html/js/css制作用户界面,与之不同的是,它的应用为本地程序,可以直接访问操作系统的数据。 运行流程: 应用启动时,会加载框架的运行时库,注册应用url的访问方法(如WSGI),并调用框架的更多Pyrit信息url: Pyrit是一款WPA-PSK和WPA2-...
Missile deflector for airplanes The present invention relates to flying airplane security during landing or taking off from the risk of surface to air missiles fired by shoulder held launchers as the heat seeking Stinger or SAM-18 missile. In Kenya two stinger missiles... Rashid A. Zeineh - ...
"airship", "altar", "ambulance", "amphibious vehicle", "analog clock", "apiary", "apron", "waste container", "assault rifle", "backpack", "bakery", "balance beam", "balloon", "ballpoint pen", "Band-Aid", "banjo", "baluster", "barbell", "barber chair", "barbershop", "barn",...