doctest_namespace Provide a dict injected into the docstests namespace. monkeypatch Temporarily modify classes, functions, dictionaries, os.environ, and other objects. pytestconfig Access to configuration values, pluginmanager and plugin hooks. record_property Add extra properties to the test. record_...
# content of import pytest class App: def __init__(self, smtp_connection): self.smtp_connection = smtp_connection @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def app(smtp_connection): return App(smtp_connection) def test_smtp_connection_exists(app): assert app.smtp_connection 1. 2....
The captured output is made available via ``capfd.readouterr()`` method calls, which return a ``(out, err)`` namedtuple. ``out`` and ``err`` will be ``byte`` objects. doctest_namespace [session scope] Fixture that returns a :py:class:`dict` that will be injected into the name...
setup_method/teardown_method 方法级,类中的每个方法执行前后 setup/teardown 在类中,运行在调用方法的前后 def setup_module(): print("开始测试,执行模块级别的setup") class TestFunc001: def test_func_001(self): print("测试函数1") def test_func_002(self): print("测试函数2") @staticmethod def...
pytest --maxfail=2 --tb=no-s 与 --capture=method-s选项允许终端在测试运行时输出某些结果(比如print),包括任何符合标准的的输出流信息。-s 等价于 --capture=no--lf(--last-failed)选项当一个或多个测试失败时,我们常常希望能够定位到最后一个失败的测试用例重新运行,这时候可以使用 --lf 选项...
classTest: ...deftest_highest_rated(self, drama_series):asserthighest_rated(drama_series) =="Game of Thrones"deftest_oldest(self, drama_series):assertoldest(drama_series) =="Cosmos" 请注意,测试类可能有其他非测试方法,就像任何其他类一样。
所以我尝试了这样的方法: @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def mock_pymongo(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr('pymongo', mongomock) 或者像这样的东西: @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def mock_pymongo(monkeypatch): monkeypatch 浏览2提问于2016-06-09得票数 0...
defrequest(method,url,**kwargs):"""Constructs and sends a :class:`Request <Request>`.:param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object.:param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.:param params: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to sendin the body of ...
defrequest(method,url,**kwargs):"""Constructs and sends a :class:`Request <Request>`. :param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object: ``GET``, ``OPTIONS``, ``HEAD``, ``POST``, ``PUT``, ``PATCH``, or ``DELETE``. :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request...
teardown_method teardown_class 这是teardown_module 方法 === ERRORS === ___ ERROR at setup of test_one ___ file C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\untitled2\venv\Hogwarts\Python自动化测试\课程\9. Python编程语言与测试框架\9.3 pytest测试框架\, line 3 def test_one(self)...