Spy 间谍 Stub 存根4|1mock使用在pytest框架中使用的mock 是pytest-mock,这个模块需要独立安装。 pip install pytest-mockpytest_demo.pydef test_mock_fun(mocker): mock_get_sum = mocker.patch('mock_demo.get_sum') mock_get_sum.return_value = 20 print(mock_demo.get_sum())运行...
def test_spy_listdir(mocker): mock_listdir = mocker.spy(os, 'listdir') os.listdir() assert mock_listdir.called 1. 2. 3. 4. 与上例中的patch.object不同的是,上例的os.listdir()不会真的执行,而本例中则会真的执行。 pytest-mock This plugin installs amockerfixture which is a thin-wrappe...
deftest_spy(mocker):classFoo(object):defbar(self):return42 foo= Foo() mocker.spy(foo,'bar')assert foo.bar()==42assert foo.bar.call_count==1 Since version1.11, it is also possible to query thereturn_valueattribute to observe what the spied function/method returned. Since version1.13, i...
1、Type Annotations 类型注解 2、Spy 间谍 3、Stub 存根 在pytest框架中使用的mock 是pytest-mock,这个模块需要独立安装。 pip install pytest-mock pytest_demo.py def test_mock_fun(mocker): mock_get_sum = mocker.patch('mock_demo.get_sum') mock_get_sum.return_value = 20 print(mock_demo.get_s...
pytest-mock是一个pytest的插件,安装即可使用。它提供了一个名为mocker的fixture,仅在当前测试function或method生效,而不用自行包装。模拟一个object,是最常见的需求。由于function也是一个object,所以以function举例。 代码如下: import os def rm(filename): os.remove(filename) def test_rm(mocker): filename ...
mocker.spy(foo, 'bar') assert foo.bar() == 42 assert foo.bar.call_count == 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 自定义标记mark 可以对指定的test进行标记,规定哪些test跑,哪些test不跑 import pytest @pytest.mark.runtest def test_run(): ...
def test_failure_message_with_name(self, mocker, name): self.__test_failure_message(mocker, name=name) def test_instance_method_spy(mocker): class Foo(object): def bar(self, arg): return arg * 2 foo = Foo() other = Foo() spy = mocker.spy(foo, 'bar') assert foo.bar(arg=10)...
def test_failure_message_with_name(self, mocker, name): self.__test_failure_message(mocker, name=name) def test_instance_method_spy(mocker): class Foo(object): def bar(self, arg): return arg * 2 foo = Foo() other = Foo() spy = mocker.spy(foo, 'bar') assert foo.bar(arg=10)...
def test_failure_message_with_name(self, mocker, name): self.__test_failure_message(mocker, name=name) def test_instance_method_spy(mocker): class Foo(object): def bar(self, arg): return arg * 2 foo = Foo() other = Foo() spy = mocker.spy(foo, 'bar') assert foo.bar(arg=10)...
mock.ANYis now accessible from the mocker fixture (#17), thanks@tigarmofor the PR! 0.7.0 Thanks to@fogo, mocker.spy can now prey upon staticmethods and classmethods.😄 0.6.0 Two new auxiliary methods,spyandstub. SeeREADMEfor usage. (Thanks@fogofor complete PR!) ...