72 PySpark: multiple conditions in when clause 2 pyspark df.withColumn with three conditions 1 pySpark withColumn with two conditions 0 Multiple condition on same column in sql or in pyspark 2 How to dynamically chain when conditions in Pyspark? 0 Pyspark: merge conditions in a when clause...
接下来,我们使用withColumn方法在DataFrame上应用条件,并使用when函数指定条件和对应的返回值。在示例中,我们根据年龄的不同,将人员分为"Young"、"Adult"和"Unknown"三个年龄组,并将结果存储在名为"age_group"的新列中。 最后,我们使用show方法显示DataFrame的内容,可以看到新列"age_group"已经添加到DataFrame中。
df.where((col("foo") >0) | (col("bar") <0)) You can of course define conditions separately to avoid brackets: cond1 = col("Age") ==""cond2 = col("Survived") =="0"cond1 & cond2 wheninpysparkmultiple conditions can be built using&(for and) and|(for or). Note:Inpysparkt...
churn_func = udf(lambda x: 1 if x == "Cancellation Confirmation" or x == "Downgrade" else 0, IntegerType()) data = data.withColumn("Churn", churn_func(data.page)) 利用udf方法来创建一个适用于添加对应逻辑列的对象 udf方法类似于pandas的map和apply方法 新建一个Churn列,当用户确认取消订阅和...
Ensemble Methods: Combining multiple decision trees into an ensemble model, like Random Forest or Gradient Boosted Trees, can improve the overall model performance. PySpark MLlib provides implementations of these ensemble methods, which can be easily incorporated into your workflow. Handling Imbalanced Da...
Finally, instead of adding new columns via the select statement, using.withColumn()is recommended instead for single columns. When adding or manipulating tens or hundreds of columns, use a single.select()for performance reasons. Empty columns ...
PySpark withColumn() PySpark Drop Columns PySpark Rename Columns PySpark Filter vs Where PySpark orderBy() and sort() PySpark GroupBy() PySpark Pivot PySpark Joins PySpark Union PySpark Connect to MySQL PySpark Connect to PostgreSQL PySpark Connect to SQL Serve PySpark Connect to Redshift PySpark Con...
To set a new column's values when using withColumn, use the when / otherwise idiom. Multiple when conditions can be chained together. from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when df = auto_df.withColumn( "mpg_class", when(col("mpg") <= 20, "low") .when(col("mpg") <= 30, "mid...