In Python, there is a function .isDigit() which returns True or False if the string contains just numbers or not. 预期的数据帧: +---+---+ | ID| Value | +---+---+ |25q36| False | |75647| True | |13864| True | |8758K| False | |07645| True | +---+---+ 我想避免...
It can be a value or string that the contains() function will check if the specified value is present in the DataFrame column or not. Return: Based on this column value, the entire row is returned. First, we will create the PySpark DataFrame with 10 rows and 5 columns. importpyspark fr...
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when, array # 添加类型检查 df = df.withColumn("values", when(col("values").isNotNull() & (col("values").cast("string").contains("[")), col("values")).otherwise(array())) 空值处理:如果字典中的值为None或空列表,explode函数会生成空行。可以通过...
def isMatch(s: String): Boolean = { s.contains(query) //此处调用的其实是 this.query 是Search类的私有属性 } // 函数序列化案例 def getMatch1 (rdd: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = { //rdd.filter(this.isMatch) rdd.filter(isMatch) } // 属性序列化案例 def getMatch2(rdd: RDD[String]...
firstname:string(nullable =false) lastname:string(nullable =false) dateofbirth:string(nullable =false) accounts: array (nullable =true) element:struct(containsNull =true) applicationcreditreportaccountid:string(nullable =true) currentbalance: integer (nullable =true) ...
在这里,我们使用filter()函数过滤了行,并在filter()函数内部指定了text_file_value.contains包含单词"Spark",然后将这些结果放入了lines_with_spark变量中。 我们可以修改上述命令,简单地添加.count(),如下所示: text_file.filter(text_file.value.contains("Spark")).count() ...
6 pyspark.sql.functions.array_contains(col, value) 7 pyspark.sql.functions.asc(col) 8 pyspark.sql.functions.ascii(col) 9 pyspark.sql.functions.asin(col) 10 pyspark.sql.functions.atan(col) 11 pyspark.sql.functions.atan2(col1, col2) 12 pyspark.sql.functions.avg(col) 13 pyspark.sql.function...