To find when the latest purchase was made on the platform, we need to convert the InvoiceDate column into a timestamp format and use the max() function in Pyspark: spark.sql("set spark.sql.legacy.timeParserPolicy=LEGACY") df = df.withColumn('date',to_timestamp("InvoiceDate", 'yy/MM...
Below, the PySpark code updates the salary column value of DataFrame by multiplying salary by three times. Note thatwithColumn()is used to update or add a new column to the DataFrame, when you pass the existing column name to the first argument to withColumn() operation it updates, if the ...
The first part of data preparation is deviding connections into normal and attack classes based on 'labels' column. Then attacks are splitted to four main categories: DoS, Probe, R2L and U2R. After this, all of those categories are indexed. Also, ID column is added to simplify work with...
filled_df=df.fillna({"column_name":"value"})filled_df.show() 4.2 重复 查看表的重复情况 duplicate_columns=df.groupBy("name","dep_id").count().filter("count > 1").show() 根据分组删除重复;不加入上面的分组,会直接删除所有相同的行,留下一行 ...
# Rename columns using AI df2 = df.ai.transform("rename column name from firstname to first_name and lastname to last_name") df2.printSchema() df2.show() PySpark Streaming Tutorial Spark Streaming is a real-time data processing framework in Apache Spark that enables developers to process ...
Adding a nested field called new_column_name based on a lambda function working on the column_to_process nested field. Fields column_to_process and new_column_name need to have the same parent or be at the root! from nestedfunctions.functions.add_nested_field import add_nested_field from ...
The first query displays all the columns and records from the DataFrame. The second query displays the records based on the “Soil_status” column. There are only three records with the “Dry” element. The last query returns two records with “Acres” that are greater than 2000. ...
and subtract from max lengthforthat column35zero_to_add=35-len(con_string)# Add the numbersofzeros based on the value received above new_bt_string=con_string+zero_to_add*'0'# addnewcolumnand convert column to decimal and then apply row_number df1=df.withColumn('bt_string',f.lit(new_...