createOrReplaceTempView 方法可以用于创建或替换临时视图,而 createTempView 方法只能用于创建新的临时视图。DataFrame.createGlobalTempViewDataFrame.createGlobalTempView 是 PySpark 中 DataFrame 对象的方法之一。它用于创建一个全局临时视图。具体来说,createGlobalTempView 方法将当前 DataFrame 对象注册为一个全局临时视图。
解码器在播放时则是读取一段一段的 GOP 进行解码后读取画面再渲染显示。GO
pyspark.errors.exceptions.captured.AnalysisException: [TEMP_TABLE_OR_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS] Cannot create the temporary view `ldsx` because it already exists.Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing view, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing views.#查询时需要使用...
# Apply the schema to the RDD and Create DataFrame swimmers = spark.createDataFrame(user_fields, schema) # Creates a temporary view using the DataFrame swimmers.createOrReplaceTempView("swimmers") spark.sql("select * from swimmers").show() #"id", "age").filter("age = 22...
createOrReplaceTempView("temp_view") # 使用 INSERT OVERWRITE 语句,将数据写入目标表 try: spark.sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {hive_table}") # 先删除目标表 spark.sql(f"CREATE TABLE {hive_table} AS SELECT * FROM temp_view") # 重新创建表并插入数据 print(f"Data successfully inserted into {...
# createOrReplaceGlobalTempView 创建一个临时永久表,与Spark应该绑定 # createOrReplaceTempView 生命周期与SparkSession绑定 # createTempView 其他函数 crossJion, crosstab, cube, rollup 输出write,保存DataFrame到文件中 ## json, parquet, orc, csv,text 格式, 可以写入本地文件系统, HDFS, S3上 ...
val view = df.createOrReplaceTempView("rate") spark.sql("SELECT * FROM rate") .show(false) 1. 2. 3. 4. 执行后,他通过 SQL 查询临时表的数据,输出结果如下 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |SECURITIES |ERROR CODE|NUM FLDS|CRNCY|BASE_CRNCY|PX_LAST |QUOTE_FACTOR...
可以创建全局临时视图,也可以创建本地临时视图,对于local view,临时视图的生命周期和SparkSession相同;对于global view,临时视图的生命周期由Spark application决定。 createOrReplaceGlobalTempView(name) createGlobalTempView(name) createOrReplaceTempView(name)
# Read the Parquet file into flights_df flights_df ='AA_DFW_ALL.parquet') # Register the temp table flights_df.createOrReplaceTempView('flights') # 创建一个可替换的临时表 # Run a SQL query of the average flight duration avg_duration = spark.sql('SELECT avg(flight_...