我收到pylint导入错误(无法导入...)对于同一工作区中的模块的每个导入指令。所有其他导入,如python环境或已安装的包,都可以正常工作。只是如果我从同一工作区中的另一个python文件导入一个类。例如: from mymodule import MyClass 我试着为pylint安装一个钩子: "python.linting.pylintArgs": [ "- ...
每当我运行pylint来检查我的python脚本是否符合PEP8标准时,最后都会得到错误。所以,当我运行 pylint script.py 它实际上会生成pylint结果,但最后还会打印以下错误: Unable to create directory C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\pylint\pylint\Cache Unable to create file C:\Us 浏览44提问于2021-09-06得票数 2 回答...
problem. It seemed to be alright a few weeks ago, then it started getting a bit flaky and I needed to close and reopen VS Code every time I wanted it to "refresh", but now it's just straight-up broken no matter how many times I restart. All local imports return E0401import-error...
local variables, branchs, returns and statements in# functions, methods# * required module attributes# * dangerous default values as arguments# * redefinition
.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylint/checkers/imports.py", line 523, in visit_importfrom self._add_imported_module(node, f"{imported_module.name}.{name}") File "/home/hayen/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylint/checkers/imports.py", line 833, in _add_imported_module imported...
old-octal-literal,import-star-module-level, non-ascii-bytes-literal, raw-checker-failed, bad-inline-option, locally-disabled, file-ignored, suppressed-message, useless-suppression, deprecated-pragma, use-symbolic-message-instead, apply-builtin, ...
Please refer to this document: vscode (pythonVSCode): how to fix the issue that unable to import 'somemodule', hope it could help you. And since vs code is not supported in Microsoft Q&A forum, we recommend you could go to github, and then you will get dedicated support there. Best ...
外部モジュールをimportすると、「Unable to import 'module-name' pylint(import error)」と表示される pythonでのコーディング中、標準モジュールはimportされるのに、pipで追加したモジュールはimport errorが発生する事象が発生しました。
It fails to detect that pylint module is already installed. A workaround is to click the "install" bubble which fixes it for the current project only. It fails to detect any problems while executing it manually show problems. Life if the config file was not read. ...