No name '__main__' in module 'foo' (no-name-in-module)#9993 Open lord-haffi opened this issue Oct 1, 2024· 0 comments Open Cannot find "dunder module" in package - False-positive No name '__main__' in module 'foo' (no-name-in-module) #9993 lord-haffi opened this ...
Bug description I created a python virtual environment, used a package in the environment, then invoke pylint. It can't find the package in the virtual environment, and give me an E0401. Configuration No response Command used make lint (...
、、 当我运行pylint pylint-pytest plugin cannot enumerate and collect pytest fixtures.描述:然后在模块的__init__.py文件中导入基类和两个实现类,并添加一个工厂方法。当我再次运行pylint时,输入告诉我一 浏览0提问于2021-06-24得票数 2 3回答 Python3.7导入命令中奇怪的Pylint错误 、、、 一直试图在代码1.2...
Module 'umi' not found in the required stack 'umi') Cannot find module 'umi' Require stack: Rachael Thompson2023-05-22 Unable to locate <torch/extension.h> followed by this link but it throws out the error that fatal error: torch, blockquote> ubuntu 18.04 code::blocks 17.04 gcc 7.4.0...
VSCode一直弹框错误Linter pylint is not installed 确保已经安装Python编译环境 点击下图位置(这个是我已经安装过后的文字,原本显示“搜索Python”字样) 点击后显示如下,点击安装 然后出现一大坨命令 最终出现“Successfully installed”字样,表示已经成功安装。
使用IDEA开发有 一段时间了,从陌生到熟悉的过程算是很平稳的度过,感谢IntelliJ IDEA交流群(群号...
Variable name doesn't conform to snake_case naming style I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ...
init-hook="from pylint.config import find_pylintrc; import os, sys; sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(find_pylintrc()))" # Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not # paths. ignore= # Pickle collected data for later comparisons. persistent=no #...
* check_docs extension can find constructor parameters in __init__. Closes #887. * Don't warn about invalid-sequence-index if the indexed object has unknown base classes. Closes #867 * Don't crash when checking, for super-init-not-called, a method defined in an if block. ...
1、通过设置Python的路径解决 1)Windows/Linux 依次点击菜单中,File > Preferences > Settings中点击Settings Editor 2)macOS 依次点击菜单中,Code > Preferences > Settings中点击Settings Editor 设置下面配置: {"python.pythonPath":"/path/to/your/venv/bin/python", ...