(most recent call last): File "torch/_utils_internal.py", line 49, in get_source_lines_and_file File "inspect.py", line 979, in getsourcelines File "inspect.py", line 798, in findsource OSError: could not get source code The above exception was the direct cause of the following ...
If the error you are getting is OS error: could not get source code, then you need to ensure that the source .py files are collected for whatever package requires them. PyInstaller does not collect source files by default; only byte-compiled .pyc modules... How do i get the source.py...
1. 此后产生错误“OSError: could not get source code”, 解决方法(失败):降低torchvision版本 pip uninstall torchvision pip install torchvision==0.2.2.post3 1. 2. 没有解决问题,但因为已经用了不影响啥,我用了这个方法之后也没还原版本,所以降不降自己选择。如果按部就班建议操作一下。 成功的方法见坑3...
2. 打包成功,还是报错:OSError: could not get source code OSError: Can't get source for torchvision/ops/misc.py. TorchScript requires source access in order to carry out compilation. Make sure original .py files are available. Original error: could not get source code 1. 继续向上搜索,康康...
2、pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:The'html5tagger>=1.2.1'distribution was not found andisrequired by tracerite 解决: 添加如下参数:--copy-metadata=html5tagger 3、OSError: could not get source code Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line ...
pytorch-python源码生成windows的应用程序(.exe),报错OSError: could not get source code Failed to execute script https://blog.csdn.net/eric41050808/article/details/101353322 做成exe的Python程序运行后爆满磁盘Temp https://blog.csdn.net/maozexijr/article/details/91044472...
来源网址:Hook for pytorch · Issue #2666 · pyinstaller/pyinstaller (github.com) #环境问题 pyinstaller打包torch出现OSError: could not get source code、pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound_只需要在调用torch包的上面-CSDN博客 #代码中的问题 命令: pyinstaller -D .\main.py --hidden-import=transformers -...
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Could not find the GDAL library (tried "gdal301", "gdal300", "gdal204", "gdal203", "gdal202", "gdal201", "gdal20"). Is GDAL installed? If it is, try setting GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings.collect_submodules: failed to import 'django....
While youcouldshare this folder with your users as a ZIP file it's not the best user experience. Desktop applications are normally distributed withinstallerswhich handle the process of putting the executable (and any other files) in the correct place, addingStart Menushortcuts and the like. ...
As you saw above, you might encounter problems when running your executable. Depending on the complexity of your project, the fixes could be as simple as including data files like the feed reader example. However, sometimes you need more debugging techniques. ...