若一时半会手动找不到nltk_data文件夹的路径,可使用两行python代码找到: from nltkimportdataprint(data.find('.'))
Unableto find/***/***/nltk_data when adding binary and data files. 一开始我只是简单的任务,单单少了一个文件夹,于是在他指明的位置创建了一个空文件夹 没想每当我创建了一个空文件夹,后面总会告诉我新的位置缺失文件 已经陷入死局,这种办法显然不行 经过一番探索后,最终找到了解决方案 首先找到hook-nlt...
Pyinstaller failed to find certain dlls that are required for binding in dependencies into one exe. Please find the error logs below. We have tried installing these libraries: pip3 install intel-openmp mkl Tried adding --paths to the command, but as there are no dlls in the...
github:unable to find "C:\Users\user\nltk_data
I also verified that imp.findModules able to find the module but imp.loadModule failed to load the module while running through exe file. Note that while I am running the python file from command line it works fine, it only gives error while I am creating exe file. Problem Image is atta...
但是,当我在控制台中输入pyinstaller -w --onefile main.py时,我得到: Fatal Error: unable to process using '"C:\RepositoryOwnerLocal\venv\scripts\python.exe" "C:\Contributor\PycharmProjects\Project\venv\Scripts\pyin 浏览2提问于2022-09-16得票数 0 回答已采纳...
3、it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows" Qt目录里找到platforms,全部复制到打包程序的根目录(dist目录),再运行程序就不会报错了。 4、Cannot find existing PyQt5 plugin directories 这个没试过,大家试下行不行 5、Unable to find Qt5 translations C:/qt5b/qt_1524647842210/_h_en...
https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/4293 未经本人同意 请务转载 David QQ:435398366 分类:python 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 天道酬勤DW 粉丝-11关注 -3 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 «HCI 获取蓝牙厂商信息 »Duff's device
ImportError: unable to find Qt5Core.dll on PATH 在xxoo.spec修改里 datas=[(HOMEPATH +'\\..\\site-packages\\PyQt5\\Qt\\bin\*','PyQt5\\Qt\\bin')], 命令行下:--add-datasite-packages\\PyQt5\\Qt\\bin;PyQt5\\Qt\\bineg:-F -w --add-data venv\lib\site-packages\PyQt5\Qt\bin;...
Pyinstaller : unable to find Qt5Core.dll on PATH 2019-12-10 19:46 −https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/4293 ... 天道酬勤DW 0 417 python--ctypes模块:调用C函数 2019-12-08 08:13 −Python 的 ctypes 要使用 C 函数,需要先将 C 编译成动态链接库的形式,即 Windows 下的 ....