Path for FREETYPE: prebuilt-x64 ...Library directory for FREETYPE: prebuilt-x64/lib ...Include directory for FREETYPE: prebuilt-x64/include Path for PNG not found. ...Found include dir but no library dir in prebuilt-x64. Path for JPEG not found. ...Found include dir but no libr...
If this doesn’t work, the Getting Started section of the official website has more information for platform specific issues, such as adding python to your machine’s PATH settingsHelpIf you are just getting started with pygame, you should be able to get started fairly quickly. Pygame comes ...
for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: #键盘有按下? if event.key == K_LEFT: #按下的是左方向键的话,把x坐标减一 move_x = -1 elif event.key == K_RIGHT: #右方向键则加一 move_x = 1 elif event.key == K_UP: #类似了 ...
linux安装pygame,mixer和freetype not found的解决办法 -nump 后,mixer问题解决,安装,pygame:sudopip3installpygame二》报错freetype not found,missingpip版本降级:我装的是最新20版本,有... apt-get-y install libfreetype6-dev 继续装pygamesudopip3installpygame验证是否成功:python3-m ...
if pygame.font is None: print "The font module is not available!" exit() 新的Hello World 学程序一开始我们总会写一个Hello world程序,但那只是在屏幕上写了两个字,现在我们来点更帅的!写好以后会是这样的效果: Python 1 2 3 4 5 6
报错:python egg_info Check the logs for full command output. FREETYPE-condig:not found今天心血来潮,给自己的电脑换了个Ubuntu 20版本,但谁曾想竟然安装pygame却一直报错,无奈之下,只好耐心寻找正确的安装方法,结果从网上一查,还真的挺多人安装失败的,不过按照网上的教程发现,都是安装失败,最 ...
Running "buildconfig/" Using UNIX configuration... Hunting dependencies... SDL : found 2.0.20 FONT : found IMAGE : found MIXER : found PNG : found JPEG : found SCRAP : found PORTMIDI: found PORTTIME: found FREETYPE: found 24.1.18 If you get compiler errors during install, doubl...
linux安装pygame,mixer和freetype not found的解决办法 -nump 后,mixer问题解决,安装,pygame: sudopip3installpygame二》报错freetype not found,missingpip版本降级:我装的是最新20版本,有网友推荐降级 查看当前版本,显示是20pip--version版本降到19python3-mpipinstallpip==19.1.1 然后,安装freetype依赖 sudo ...
我删除了python 3.11和pygame 2.1.3,安装了python 3.8.5和pygame 2.1.2。
copyingtest/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.7/pygame/tests copyingtest/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.7/pygame/tests copyingtest/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.7/pygame/tests ...