The Python ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygame' occurs when we forget to install the `pygame` module before importing it.
If an error message appears, it means that it is not installed yet. You must then go to the official website to download it.Once Python is installed, you have to perform a final check: you have to see if pip is installed. Generally, pip is pre-installed with Python but we are ...
from setuptools._distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler, get_build_architecture ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools._distutils.msvccompiler' For everyone to not ask if I did compile the first steps wrong, I installed Git and more things and it was successful C:\Windows\System32>set...
SpringBoot踩坑记录--测试接口返回"404 Not found"状态 当使用postman去测试编写好的接口时,发现服务器端能够被成功地访问,但是postman接受到的返回却是"404 Not found"。 出现该问题的原因是接口没有添加@ResponseBody注释 添加@ResponseBody注释后,postman可以收到正常的返回。...#...
针对你提出的 dependencynotinstalled: pygame is not installed, run pip install gym[classi` 问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行解决: 识别问题中的错误提示信息: 错误提示信息表明你的Python环境中缺少pygame库,这是运行某些基于gym的环境或功能所必需的。 纠正错误提示中的库名: 错误提示中的库名应该是gym[classic_co...
一、搭建运行环境 用到的工具包括JDK、eclipseIDE集成环境、Tomcat服务器 JDK的测试 在命令行输入:Java -version 指定eclipse的JDK运行环境 Window—Preferences—Java—Installed JREs Tomcat的测试 进入Tomcat的bin目录,双击“startup.bat”...猜你喜欢Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0 简单的使用教程 早前思科的Cisco Packet...
pygame是一个python模块,专门为电子游戏设计。(此文章针对python3.x) 1.使用pip安装python3 (在python3.x中pip为pip3) 打开Linux终端,检查是否安装了pip3 执行命令:ljm@ljm-virtual-machine:~$ pip3 --version 若显示:Command 'pip3' not found, but can be installed with: ...
buildconfig: Add fallback to portmidi if porttime is not found by @illume in #4235 pypm: Fix incorrect param in Pm_OpenInput by @illume in #4236 test: Fix numpy.alltrue imports to import all instead thanks @mgorny by @illume in #4240 build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.5 ...
Step 1: Install XCode command line tools XCode is the tool from Apple for creating Mac andiOSapplications. It can be installed from the App Store (it’s free). When it’s finished, type the following at the command line: 代码语言:javascript ...
trying to just make a window in idle 3.11.0 You tried to use pygame on Python 3.11 but the package was installed on Python 3.7. jeanas closed this as completed Jan 25, 2024 github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Feb 25, 2024 Sign...