文章目录 step1:【Tools】---【Deployment】---【Configuration】 step2:【 + 】---【SFTP】---【输入服务器名称】 step3:【 Deployment path】---【输入相对地址】 step4:【 选中项目右击】---【Deployment】---【upload to xxxxx】 step1:【Tools】---【Dep... 使用pycharm工具...
step6: Change the project interpreter from local interpreter to the remote interpreter. PyCharm->file->setting->Project Interpreter Choose SSH Interpreter>New server configuration !!! The bellow setting is very important. ① Set the remote interpreter path. Run ‘which Python’ to find out the p...
When you change the project interpreter and select an SSH interpreter, you might need to synchronize the local content with the target server. Mind a notification balloon in the lower-right corner: You can choose to enable the automatic uploading of files to the server: Click Auto-upload files...
You can modify the path to the Python executable in the Interpreter path field. When the Associate this virtual environment with the current project checkbox is enabled, the interpeter is available only in the current PyCharm project. To change the interpreter name, select the target interpreter ...
When I was installing PyCharm 2024.1.6, everything went smoothly. Afterward, I started using PyCharm, and for the first few minutes,...
<change-notes><![CDATA[ v3.0 Support PyCharm 171.* Support nested ef-common project. Early version Bug fix: failed to get run.template in resource. The baby version. ]]> </change-notes> <!-- please see http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk...
When you change the project interpreter and select an SSH interpreter, you might need to synchronize the local content with the target server. Mind a notification balloon in the lower-right corner: 当您更改项目解释器并选择SSH解释器时,可能需要将本地内容与目标服务器同步。注意右下角的通知气球: ...
Pycharm 搭建 Django 开发环境 1、安装Python 下载地址:https://www.python.org/downloads/ 安装路径:C:\Python27,安装好了后配置一下环境变量Path,添加Python路径C:\Python27\bin 2、安装Pycharm 下载地址:https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows 下载安装p......
# 作用:从一个tar文件中导入内容创建一个镜像# 命令格式:dockerimport[OPTIONS] file|URL|- [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]# 命令参数(OPTIONS):-c, --changelist为创建的镜像加入Dockerfile命令 -m, --message string 导入时,添加提交信息 数据卷 一Docker 数据卷简介 ...
是指通过pycharm集成的git插件,将远程的git仓库复制到本地的pycharm开发环境中进行代码的管理和开发。 具体操作步骤如下: 打开pycharm,进入项目欢迎界面。 点击“Check out from Version Control”选项,选择“Git”。 在弹出的对话框中,填入要克隆的git仓库的URL,选择保存的本地路径,点击“Clone”按钮。 pycharm将...