The following actions depend on whether you want to generate a new virtual environment or to use an existing one. ClickOKto complete the task. If PyCharm displays theInvalid environmentwarning, it means that the specified Python binary cannot be found in the file system, or the Python version...
Use the Modify options menu to add advanced options to the run configuration: Randomly publish all exposed ports Publish all exposed container ports to random free ports on the host. This is similar to using the -P or --publish-all option on the command line. Bind ports Map specific contain...
#向docker daemon添加registry config yellow_echo "Start to modify docker daemon.json" sudo sed -i "/\"runtimes\":/i\ \"insecure-registries\":[\"\"]," /etc/docker/daemon.json if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then red_echo "Failed to modify docker daemon.json" exit -1 else green...
还需要在本地安装Python 3.3 在PyCharm中工作 用Pycharm 专业版在远程linux上进行Djaogo项目部署 1.使用专业版Pycharm 打开项目 2.点击文件》BUild,Execution,Deployment》Deployment 3.作如下设置 在自己的域名或者主机IP上右键单击,在弹出的快捷菜单中单击upload here 上传的过程中下部会有进度条...
Click Auto-upload files to start uploading on the next save. Click Sync and auto-upload files to immediately sync the files and upload them on every save in future. Modify a Python interpreter Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Project <project name> | Python Interpreter....
The following actions depend on whether you want to generate a new virtual environment or to use an existing one. ClickOKto complete the task. If PyCharm displays theInvalid environmentwarning, it means that the specified Python binary cannot be found in the file system, or the Python version...