Error: /home/afif/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default is not a directory make: *** [Makefile:219: px4_sitl_default] Error 1 Jaeyoung-Limcommented make submodulesupdate added the afiffadhlurrahmancommentedJan 23, 2021 I have run themake submodulesupdatecommand recently but its still get er...
make px4_sitl_default gazeboI get this error. Has anyone dealt with this issue before? Here is a snippet of the error message: /usr/include/gazebo-9/gazebo/msgs/subscribe.pb.h:275:87: error: no matching function for call to ‘google::protobuf::internal::ArenaStringPtr::GetNoArena(const...
0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 1m 3.9988s The PX4 firmware build has failed with following error. [0/1] Re-running CMake... -- PX4 version: v1.12.3 -- PX4 config file: /home/matteo/mypx4/Firmware/boards/px4/sitl/default.c...
cd /home/jiaruilin/bingobinlw-volans-master/volans/Firmware/build/px4_sitl_default/build_gazebo && /usr/bin/cmake --build . ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Makefile:193: recipe for target 'px4_sitl_default' failed make: *** [px4_sitl_default] Error 1 这该怎么办呀 hyungseok ...
CMAKE Config selected : px4_sitl_default make: *** [Makefile:226: px4_sitl_default] Error 1 BUILDCOMPLETE_16-Aug-2023_15-38-16 BUILDSTARTING_30-Oct-2023_08-53-42 CMAKE Config selected : px4_sitl_default make: *** [Makefile:226: px4_sitl_default] Error 1 B...
救命啊,编译,仿真时运行make px4_sitl_defa 只看楼主收藏回复 明天要伪笑 中级粉丝 2 救命啊,编译,仿真时运行make px4_sitl_default gazebo时,一直有这个错误啊,新手实在看不懂,,求助大佬 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-09-20 16:02回复
1、编写启动脚本 新后缀为名称任取,后缀为.sh可以)脚本,内容按以下格式填写,每个都是gnome-terminal -- bash -c "cd 工作空间目录;source devel/setup.bash;roslaunch xxx.launch"中的双引号里面对应启动一个launch文件,为了防止一个launch还没开始就开始了另一个launch导致启动失败,通过sleep 10 wait等待...
如果编译make px4_sitl_default gazebo 时出现下面的报错: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:32 (find_package): By not providing “Findgazebo.cmake” in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by “gazebo”, but CMake ...
make px4_sitl_default 1. 编译成功后会在下图的路径中找到 mavlink_msg_key_command.h 1. 这时自定义mavlink消息文件就成功生成了 二、PX4添加自定义uorb消息 在下图目录添加key_command.msg文件 文件内容如下: uint64 timestamp