采用QGC仿真时,可以自动连接多个飞机的。 jmavsim: 算得上PX4原生轻量级仿真器,支持飞机类型只有四轴,可以支持多机仿真。在官方给出的PX4 convenience bash 中可以很方便的下载和安装,如下图可以看出,每一个.sh文件均包含有jmavsim工具。 使用命令为 make px4_sitl_default jmavsim 通常使用代码的验证,新加功能的验证...
Describe the bug When I make px4_sitl_default gazebo , it occurs below -- PX4 version: v1.11.0-beta1 -- PX4 config file: /home/y/PX4_Firmware/boards/px4/sitl/default.cmake -- PX4 config: px4_sitl_default -- PX4 platform: posix -- PX4 loc...
配置PX4环境,make px4_sitl_default gazebo报错 待办的 #IB841U wei 创建于 2024-11-30 20:12 [Msg] Waiting for master. [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [Msg] Publicized address: [Err] [Scene.cc:227] Service call[/shadow_caster_material_name] ...
(base)user:~/PX4/PX4-Autopilot$ sudo make px4_sitl gazebo [0/5] Performing configure step for 'sitl_gazebo' -- install-prefix: /usr/local -- cmake build type: RelWithDebInfo -- Using C++17 standard -- ccache enabled (export CCACHE_DISABLE=1 to disable) CMake Error at /usr/lib/x8...
编译通过了,再进行make px4_sitl_default,依然报一样的错误FAILED: external/Stamp/sitl_gazebo/sitl_gazebo-build cd /home/jiaruilin/bingobinlw-volans-master/volans/Firmware/build/px4_sitl_default/build_gazebo && /usr/bin/cmake --build . ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Makefile:193: reci...
boards/px4/sitl/replay.px4board boards/px4/sitl/nolockstep.px4board boards/px4/sitl/default.px4board boards/px4/fmu-v6c/bootloader.px4board boards/px4/fmu-v6c/default.px4board 通过代码 $(shell find boards-maxdepth3-mindepth3-name'*.px4board'-print|sed-e's|boards\/||'|sed-e's|\.px4...
this list of conditions and the following disclaimerin13# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the14# distribution.15#3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be16# used to endorse or promote products derived from this software17# without specific prior wr...
运行make px4_sitl_default gazebo仿真报错 Could not find a packageconfigurationfile provided by "gazebo" with any of the following names: gazeboConfig.cmake gazebo-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "gazebo" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set ...