✳️Graduate Program:Assurance - External Aduit ✳️Vacation Program:Assurance、Financial Advisory 图/全职岗位 其中实习岗位选择比较多,包含Audit、Tax、Risk & Regulatory Assurance等方向。 作为澳洲四大中对留学生最友好的一家,PwC本次开放的所有春招岗位,无PR留学生都可以直接投递,只需要在申请的时候提供...
Assurance (Audit) Graduate Programme Consulting Graduate Programme Tax Graduate Programme Technology Graduate Programme Deal Advisory Graduate Programme Risk Assurance Graduate Programme Now, to apply to these PwC graduate programmes, make sure you fulfil the basic eligibility criteria which are as follows. ...
Sprinter is a two to three year accelerated programme designed for individuals who wish to gain professional experience during their post-graduate/undergraduate study. You will join our Assurance or Risk Assurance and share the same working experience, training and development as our Associates. High ...
很多人问,所以补充一下我申请的是graduate program 秋招第一志愿advisory 第二志愿 risk management还是tax忘了结果面的是assurance hr这操作也是挺迷的 最后完整面经已经给同学们准备好啦,感兴趣可以留言哦 编辑于 2021-09-30 14:56 审计 普华永道 赞同3134 条评论 分享喜欢收藏申请...
PwC的AC大概有15-20个candidate参加,分别来自申请的不同的serviceline(assurance, tax, consulting etc), 并且来自不同的program(graduate, intern, placement, etc.)AC中其实你的对手只有你自己,你不需要表现的比你的队友好。PwC采用1-6分计分法,一共有3个tasks,每个task都需要达到至少3分,整个AC才算过关。
我目前是Warwick大二的学生 申请的是pwc assurance的summer internship program 去年十月就申请了pwc的...
[综合经验] PwC HK Assurance Offered littleballlin 2021-11-14 20:45 51647 AJLove96 2022-3-4 20:41 [其他] pwc bj校招入职时间 小怪兽725711 2022-2-7 15:40 1472 andylxm1225 2022-3-4 01:01 [问答] offer选择,求大家建议或者骂醒我选审计 Sarahkklucky 2021-12-4 16:23 3605 辣炒芝士年糕...
Our new graduate program offers an excellent opportunity to start a career in professional services. New graduates are immersed in meaningful projects, benefiting from extensive training, mentorship, and a supportive learning environment. Joining PwC Canada as a new graduate means stepping into a role...
Our graduate programmes give you exceptionsl career experience working with and learning from the best. Experienced professionals Career opportunities for talented, experienced professional staff exist in all of our practice areas - Assurance, Advisory, Tax, Actuarial and Business Enablement Functions. ...
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Kenya Graduate Associate Program 2019 for young Kenyans Application Deadline: 29 March 2019 at 1700hrs EAT PwCare recruiting for university graduates in the Assurance, Tax and Advisory lines of service. PwC is a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 208...