PwC的AC大概有15-20个candidate参加,分别来自申请的不同的serviceline(assurance, tax,consultingetc), 并且来自不同的program(graduate, intern, placement, etc.)AC中其实你的对手只有你自己,你不需要表现的比你的队友好。PwC采用1-6分计分法,一共有3个tasks,每个task都需要达到至少3分,整个AC才算过关。 第一...
想进大公司大一就可以开始准备了,大一可以去Spring program,大二Summer intern,因为其实graduate role很多都是自己从Summer intern里面招的,而有Spring program的经验的话会加大你进到Summer program的几率。总的来说是一步步来的。当然英国一年研究生的就直接申请graduate role啦,但是相比本科生还是有优势的,因为现在很...
也是华威的)其他都是英国人,大部分都是graduate scheme,只有三个人是intern program。
what do you know about the graduate programyou are applying to?why do you want to work for ...
Jessica Z :Careerfrog UK首席;前新浪网市场运营部,5年+互联网市场经验 报名 线下 On-Campus 直击 超豪华分享嘉宾阵容 Evelyn L(英国) 嘉宾背景:PwC Assurance Senior Associate。深知英国应届留学生申请四大graduate program的详细全过程/面试技巧/申请雷区,以...
aspects of engineering projects. That sparked my desire to understand the value chain of projects, particularly the business and finance components. The chance to build a dynamic career and explore my interest presented itself when I got an opportunity to join the PwC Edge graduate programme for ...
V prípade, ak nebude poskytnutý súhlas k hore uvedeným bodom, budú Vaše údaje vymazané z PwC systému najneskôr šesť mesiacov po ukončení prijímacieho/výberového procesu na pozíciu, o ktorú ste sa uchádzali a Vaše údaje nebudú používané v ...
Public Sector. Charities and Not For Profit. Inequality: Balancing the Extremes. CIO, UK and EEMEA. Unlocking Investment in Infrastructure. Global IFRS Financial Instruments Deputy Leader. The Global Workforce Crisis: $10 Trillion at Risk. Every economy’s ability to compete depends on a stea.....
Public Sector. Charities and Not For Profit. Inequality: Balancing the Extremes. CIO, UK and EEMEA. Unlocking Investment in Infrastructure. Global IFRS Financial Instruments Deputy Leader. The Global Workforce Crisis: $10 Trillion at Risk. Every economy’s ability to compete depends on a stea.....
[笔试] 澳洲pwc graduate program求助 oliviayeah 2022-3-29 22:41 0275 oliviayeah 2022-3-29 22:41 [笔试] 之前下载的pwc的GBA软件可以用来练习吗? WhichChimp 2022-3-13 20:15 1539 zzz君 2022-3-15 00:22 [笔试] 9.20做完的笔试,现在还没收到vi wnona 2021-10-8 11:29 10811 北风之神www...