1、先介绍下英国四大和投行的招聘情况 对于四大来说,每年会有各种各样的人进入其中,有的是graduate program, 有的是summer internship program。这两种也是中国四大的招聘program会有的。再说两种不常见的,一个是school leaver program, 这种主要是提供给中学毕业后没有上大学的申请者进入四大的方式,相应的program期限...
也是华威的)其他都是英国人,大部分都是graduate scheme,只有三个人是intern program。
This article includes comprehensivecandidate recruitment, assessment, and practice materialsfor anyone applying to the UK, US and global jobs, internships, and graduate programmes at PwC. Our website provides scientifically validatedpractice game-based assessments, assessment tests, interviews, and assessmen...
想进大公司大一就可以开始准备了,大一可以去Spring program,大二Summer intern,因为其实graduate role很多都是自己从Summer intern里面招的,而有Spring program的经验的话会加大你进到Summer program的几率。总的来说是一步步来的。当然英国一年研究生的就直接申请graduate role啦,但是相比本科生还是有优势的,因为现在很...
what do you know about the graduate programyou are applying to?why do you want to work for ...
aspects of engineering projects. That sparked my desire to understand the value chain of projects, particularly the business and finance components. The chance to build a dynamic career and explore my interest presented itself when I got an opportunity to join the PwC Edge graduate programme for ...
V prípade, ak nebude poskytnutý súhlas k hore uvedeným bodom, budú Vaše údaje vymazané z PwC systému najneskôr šesť mesiacov po ukončení prijímacieho/výberového procesu na pozíciu, o ktorú ste sa uchádzali a Vaše údaje nebudú používané v ...
Public Sector. Charities and Not For Profit. Inequality: Balancing the Extremes. CIO, UK and EEMEA. Unlocking Investment in Infrastructure. Global IFRS Financial Instruments Deputy Leader. The Global Workforce Crisis: $10 Trillion at Risk. Every economy’s ability to compete depends on a stea.....
Jessica Z :Careerfrog UK首席;前新浪网市场运营部,5年+互联网市场经验 报名https://jinshuju.net/f/2IXooJ?x_field_1=CardiffGP 线下 On-Campus 直击 超豪华分享嘉宾阵容 Evelyn L(英国) 嘉宾背景:PwC Assurance Senior Associate。深知英国应届留学生申请四大graduate program的详细全过程/面试技巧/申请雷区,以...
[笔试] PwC Graduate HK - VI Hello20210903 2021-9-14 19:05 53444 kalana610 2021-10-14 00:13 [笔试] 10109分。2021普华PWC游戏测评GBA经验分享 罗淑丹 2021-10-9 19:07 34963 kalana610 2021-10-14 00:11 [笔试] 网申帮忙填写推荐 ivicky7iii 2021-10-11 16:52 0234 ivicky7iii 2021-10...