PwC Advisory LLC helps changing companies achieve their growth strategies by offering highly specialised advice on M&A, business recovery, and infrastructure-related deals.
英文名称:PwC Advisory LLC 代表者 代表執行役社長 鈴木 慎介 所在地 東京 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-1-1 大手町パークビルディング(地図) Tel: 03-6212-6880(代表) Fax: 03-6212-6881(代表) 大阪 〒530-0011 大阪府大阪市北区大深町4‐20 グランフロント大阪 タワー A 36F(地図) Tel...
PwC Advisory LLC today announces the appointment of Shinsuke Suzuki (currently Partner, PwC Advisory LLC) as a new Chief Executive Officer and Akane Yoshida (currently Chief Executive Officer, PwC Advisory LLC) as the new Chairperson. They will take on the roles on 1 July 2024. 2024-03-29 ...
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Since joining PwC Advisory LLC in May 2021, Hironori Iwasaki has provided support for decarbonisation activities in various industries, as well as advisory services regarding the electricity and energy markets. Prior to joining PwC Advisory, Hironori worked with clients in the electric power sector ...
Senior Manager, PwC Advisory LLCSpecialty or industry Engineering Management of infrastructure and plant facilities Summary of expertise He was engaged in project management, HSE design and process design for O&G EPC projects at a major engineering firm. Since joining PwC Advisory LLC in 2019, he ...
Director, PwC Advisory LLC Specialty Government and public agencies, urban infrastructure, hospitality and leisure Summary of expertise Akiko Yoshida joined PwC after engaging in the trade insurance and project finance research work at Japan Trade and Investment Insurance Organization. ...
PwC Advisory announces next Chief Executive Officer PwC Advisory LLC today announces the appointment of Shinsuke Suzuki (currently Partner, PwC Advisory LLC) as a new Chief Executive Officer and Akane Yoshida (currently Chief Executive Officer, PwC Advisory LLC) as the new Chairperson. They will tak...
Partner, PwC Advisory LLCSpecialty M&A Advisory, Deal Analytics Summary of expertise Koji, with focus on valuation and economic analysis, advises clients in their decision making for strategic investments. He has been engaged in a number of landmark M&A deals and capital investments by Japanese ...
PwC Japan Group represents PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata, PricewaterhouseCoopers Kyoto, PwC Consulting LLC, PwC Advisory LLC, PwC Tax Japan, PwC Legal Japan and their subsidiaries.